Monday, February 3, 2014

Jax Reviews Conning for Keeps by Seleste Delaney

Publisher: Entangled
Series: Agents of TRAIT #2
Format Read: ebook
Source: From the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: February 3rd
Buying Links: Amazon* | Barnes & Noble
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

Lovers undercover…Secret Agent Marissa Jones has a gift. A con artist to the core, after deep hypnosis she can turn into someone else entirely. Marissa’s gift has gotten her into hot water over the years, but now more so than ever. With her smoking hot partner by her side, she needs to convince him that not only is she her true self, but also that she can be trusted—even in spite of her past.

…or traitors to the cause?Trevor Harris has his own issues with the mission, he’s got revenge to seek, a cursed painting to secure, and Marissa’s sugary-sweet alter-ego to ignore. But when he releases Marisa from her mental cage and things get a little too hot, he ends up finding out what falling for a con artist really means—bigger trouble than ever before.

Jax's Thoughts:

I enjoy Delaney's books, there is always an interesting twist and a thread of humor. Conning for Keeps is no exception. I love the hypnosis trick for Marissa, and Trevor's reaction to her being not quite herself. Gotta' love a man with the integrity to not sleep with a woman while under the influence - any influence - that keeps her from being able to make her own decisions.

Trevor and Marissa have such a lovely contrast to them - she's much more of a free spirit than he is. Or maybe just a little more rebellious. She pushes his buttons and limits while trying to complete their mission. Watching him trying to control her while relaxing (or perhaps losing) control of his desires is amusing and hot.

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  1. This sounds really good. I'm going to add it to my wishlist.

    1. It's a fun series. It's the second book, but they don't need to be read back to back. The first is Gaming for Keeps.

  2. Haha, I love Seleste's books as well. This was fun to read. :)


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