Wednesday, February 19, 2014

CarolKat Reviews Shaken by Heather Long

Publisher: Fated Desires Publishing
Series: The Martini Sisterhood #1
Format Read: Kindle book
Source: Reviewer purchased
Release Date: February 4, 2014
Buying Links: Amazon* | Book Depository* | ARe* | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:
The Martini Sisterhood—five women bonded by the ties of friendship, supporting each other through challenges of surviving love, and loss. For these women, life can change on a whimsical dare and a Magic Eight Ball…

She’s good at sorting out professional messes…

Accountant Zip Collins spends so much time on spreadsheets that’s she’s forgotten what it’s like to tangle between the sheets. During her weekly cocktail hour with the girls, they consult a Magic Eight Ball about her crush on bartender Tony. When the toy advises her to go for it, Zip dares to color outside the lines and go after the man who heats her dreams.

He’s in the middle of a personal trial…

Tony Giordano enjoys Friday nights above all others because it’s the one night a week he’s sure to see his favorite sexy accountant. Having long since resigned Zip to the look, but don’t touch category, he’s blown away by her invitation. Tony's always been a planner, but with his custody battle looming, he's not prepared for the effect she has on him.

One night leaves them both shaken…

What began as a whimsical dare quickly turns passionate, but is an unquenchable desire—and a Magic Eight Ball’s advice—enough for these two planners to risk happily ever after on?

CarolKat's Thoughts:

Zip is an accountant and as she is in the middle of her busiest season, tax time, she looks forward to the traditional Friday night happy hour with the girls. For five years the friends had done Martini night at Coveted, and tonight was no different. She was the first to arrive and her favorite bartender, Tony Giordano, was behind the bar. That Tony made her drool was an understatement but she couldn’t go there. Not that she didn’t want to, she just felt she couldn’t.

An unexpected touch to the night was a bouquet of white roses in the center of their table, a Happy Anniversary from the bartenders. Kaley, Jem, Lucy, strolled in and last to arrive Veronica; let the Martinis commence. With platters of appetizers and pitcher of the frothy sweet drink, the girls commiserate, share bawdy humor and laughs. As the goes on Jem a marketing associate decides to get some ideas from them for the product she was assigned to help re-market, The Magic 8 Ball, revamped for the digital age.  As the questions that had been asked of the 8 Ball over the years flowed. Veronica decides they actually need one, which Jem coincidentally had in her possession.

When all had left but Jem and Zip, their Waitress brought the flowers to Tony’s end of the bar. Then Jem said something to Zip, pointed to the bar and left.  Instead of leaving as he expected Zip headed right for the bar. Tony had admired Zip as much as she admired him but he considered her out of his league.  All that was about to change, all because of the Magic 8 Ball.  

What follows is a very hot, sizzling actually, beginning to a relationship.  All these characters are complicated and so much fun to read. 

5 Stars for you Heather Long, I can’t wait to see more of each of these feisty friends.

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  1. Sounds good! I still haven't read her but so need to.

  2. Looks nice, I added the book to my list ;)

  3. I recognize the authors name but the book is new to me. :) Glad you enjoyed it and look forward to more. :)


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