Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bea Reviews The Frog Prince by Deanna Wadsworth

Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Format Read: Kindle book
Source: won from the author on facebook

Release Date: January 12, 2012
Buying Links: Amazon* | ARe* | Barnes & Noble | Decadent Publishing
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful but curious princess by the name of Elena. Whilst exploring the secret pleasures of her favorite toy near a well by the palace, she lost her toy down the deep well. When a frog appears, offering to rescue her toy if she promises to become his friend and playmate, Elena makes the bargain. For surely, a promise to a frog will not need to be kept!

If only the princess knew that keeping her promises will bring her pleasures beyond her wildest dreams…because sometimes, when you kiss a frog, there’s a sexy prince inside. And not only will she get a husband...but his gorgeous footman, too!

Bea's Thoughts:

I won this from the author a while and read it as part of my quest this month to read some of the books I've been lucky enough to win the last few years. I didn't re-read the blurb before starting the book so I was surprised about the footman. :D I forgot it was a menage book.

Princess Elena is immature, shallow and spoiled. When she makes a promise to a talking frog, she thinks she won't have to keep it and is shocked when she's held accountable. If a frog suddenly starts talking to you, you probably shouldn't expect it to behave like non-talking frogs. :D It helped that daddy dearest, who is also the king, put his foot down and demanded she behave responsibly. Of course, the frog prince was not born a frog but a human and much to Elena's surprise, he turns human in her bedroom.He teaches her some new tricks for her golden ball and other tricks. He's not honest with her when he asks her to marry him and I didn't like that. He was sneaky and deceptive.

I was getting frustrated, what with Philip being dishonest and Elena a total airhead. All she cares about is pretty dresses and parties; Philip promises her those in exchange for her complete obedience if they marry. They do and then the sneaky bastard introduces another person, his true love Henry, his footman and lover when Philip was human. Elena is curious, being unfamiliar with same sex love but adjusts well, She is simple and uncomplicated. Henry is more complex; he is delighted to have Prince Philip, hopeful they can resume their relationship, worried about Elena and how she will affect the situation and jealous of Philip and Elena's sexual relationship. It's complicated and I appreciated it; real menages are complicated, hell any relationship worth pursuing is. Henry is also keeping a secret and there are external challenges to Philip, Henry and Elena's relationship.

I liked how Wadsworth took the traditional frog prince story and worked it into an erotic romance. I was not so thrilled with either Elena or Philip as characters; they just were too shallow for me. The sex was steamy and everyone got a turn. :) I liked the story enough to try Wadsworth again some time.

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1 comment:

  1. Although I like menage stories, I think I'll stay away from this one after your wonderful review, Bea! I don't like reading about shallow people.


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