Monday, January 13, 2014

Quote-Tastic #31 Where's the hidden video when you need it?

Join us every Monday and share a favorite quote that's grabbed you for one reason or another. Everyone's welcome to join in - authors, bloggers, readers. The more the merrier! Just grab the button and put up your post :) Don't have a blog? No worries, just leave your favorites in the comment section.  Quote-tastic is hosted by Herding Cats & Burning Soup.

This week's quotes are from "Bitten" by Kelley Armstrong; it's the first book in her Women of the Otherworld series. It's been made into a TV series and tonight is the US premiere. It premiered in Canada on Saturday night. I am nervous and excited to watch it; I already have issues with the casting and some story line changes they announced, but I will watch and see. Anyway, I thought I'd celebrate by sharing quotes from the book. Enjoy!

Nick held up half a pair of white panties and grinned at me. 
"Wild dogs? Or just Clayton?"
"Oh God," I muttered under my breath.
I walked over to snatch the underwear from him, but he held it over his head, grinning like a schoolboy.
"I see Paris, I see France, I see Elena's underpants," he chanted.
"Everyone's already seen much more than that," Jeremy said. "I think we can safely resume the search."
Peter plucked Clay's shirt from a low-hanging branch and held it up, peering through a hole in the middle. "You guys can really do some damage. Where's the hidden video when you need it?"


"Come on, Elena. You do know why you've picked this guy, right? I don't mean because you're looking for a home and family and all that. You think I don't know that's what you want? I do. And I'd tell you it's right under your nose, but you wouldn't listen. The question is: why have you picked this particular guy to fulfill those fantasies? You do know, don't you, darling?"
"Because he's a good man. He's-"
"Good and patient and caring. Doesn't he remind you of someone?"
"Not you."
Clay slid off the couch back, laughing. "Definitely not me."


As I crouched to start my Change, I was struck by something I'd never felt before, at least not in Toronto . I was getting ready for my Change with all the mental preparation that I'd use brushing my teeth. While my brain was occupied with other thoughts, my body was moving into position as if what I was doing was the most natural thing in the world. Now after ten years the routine should've become pretty automatic and it did . . . when I was with the Pack or at Stonehaven. Not that it hurt any less, but mentally, the transition was smooth. One minute I was human, the next I was a wolf. No big deal--I'm a werewolf, right? Yet Changing here in Toronto was another matter. Ninety-five percent of the time I lived like any normal human. I got up, went to work, took the subway home, ate dinner, spent the evening with my boyfriend, and went to bed. A perfectly normal routine interrupted by the occasional need to change into a wolf, run through the woods, hunt down a rabbit, and bay at the moon. The juxtaposition was so jarring that I often got to the ravine, took off my clothes, and stood naked thinking I'm supposed to be doing what? I half expected to get down on my knees, concentrate on Changing, and have nothing happen . . . except maybe to wake up wearing a straitjacket with a nice doctor telling me for the millionth time that people cannot change into wolves.


“Urban survival rule 22: Never annoy an armed man.”  


And possibly the best known quote from Bitten: 

“You forget, darling. I am the local psychopath.”

Have you read Bitten? What did you think? Will you be watching the show?


  1. Replies
    1. It's very well-written urban fantasy, give it a try. :)

  2. YAY for a Bitten quote! I just love that book :) I watched the premier of Bitten on Canada and while I want to gripe about something I'm just glad it's FINALLY a tv series and that it has a Canadian cast and was filmed here too :) Let me know what you think about it when you watch it Bea :)

    1. Oh, I will! I think I'm going to write up a post with my thoughts on it. :D

  3. I didn't like Bitten, but the humor was one of the highlights of the novel and you chose some really funny quotes!

    1. Kelley has a great sense of humor; sorry Bitten didn't work for you. Have you tried any of the other books?

  4. I need to finish that series some day. I read about halfway through then got sidetracked. Clay is one of my favorites. I just loved his character and as it went Elena really grew on me too.

    1. It was the reverse for me: I liked Elena from the start, though she could be whiny, while it took time for Clay to grow on me. This is one of my favorite series.

  5. I have heard good things about this series as I am gradually getting back into Urban Fantasy want to try it. I did not know it was being into a TV Show will have to check it out. Ha..ha loving "I see Paris, I see France, I see Elena's underpants."


    1. Nick was so goofy in the early books. I miss that sometimes. I love the series, I hope the show will be good.

  6. Lol for the quotes ! I haven't read the series so far, but I'll finally make it ;)

  7. I haven't read this one, but it sounds like a good read. Enjoy!

  8. LOL!!!! That was so funny! I really have to try it someday


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