Monday, January 6, 2014

Quote-Tastic #30 Get A Room!

Join us every Monday and share a favorite quote that's grabbed you for one reason or another. Everyone's welcome to join in - authors, bloggers, readers. The more the merrier! Just grab the button and put up your post :) Don't have a blog? No worries, just leave your favorites in the comment section. 

I finally finished up the WVMP Radio series by Jeri-Smith Ready, barely finishing it before midnight on the 31st. (I was trying to finish the series by the end of 2013.) The whole series has good quotes. This one gives nothing away while giving a glimpse of main couple, Ciara and Shane, and some of the secondary characters. This scene takes place at the radio station where they all work.

"Shane, can I bring my laptop into the studio tonight and hang out with you?"
"Sure." He sets down the pistol and gives me a smile. "You know you're welcome anytime."
"I also know it's crowded in there with two people, and sometimes I distract you."
He takes a step forward, bringing his body close and sliding his fingers between mine. "I like when you distract me."
"Get a room!" Franklin, yells from his office. "And I don't mean the studio. We could hear you guys the last time."
Shane looks toward Franklin. "Did I leave the mic on?"
"Yes," say Jeremy, David, and Franklin in unison. Then Franklin adds, "I can't wait until you're a boring old married couple like Lori and David."
"Hey," David says. "We're not old."

I like this series a lot - unusual take on vamps, humor, good characterization, fast pace, and good blend of action and story. If you like vampires, give it a try, but read in order! You'll be less confused and won't accidentally spoil the story.

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  1. LMAO ! Very good quote ! I've been wanting to read this series for some time now :)

  2. Your description of the series and the quote make me very curious, though the cover is kind of corny :D

    Aly @ Aly's Miscellany

  3. omg that's too funny. I already have it on my tbr list from the other day Definitely gonna have to try this one out.

  4. Haha, that's great. I like that. :D Thanks for sharing!


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