Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Giveaway & Excerpt from Hunger Moon by Melissa Snark

Welcome to my stop on the Hunger Moon tour. Thanks to the author, Melissa Snark, I have an excerpt and a giveaway. Melissa Snark is an erotic romance and paranormal fantasy author. She lives in Northern California with her husband, three children and a glaring of domestic house cats.

Find Melissa Online: 

Amazon Author Page


"A self-professed failure. I'm not surprised. After all, you're still living at home, and let me guess, no job?"

Murderous anger drove the amusement from Logan's eyes. He performed a pantomime of hurt, his hand pressed to his heart. "Wow, they really teach trailer trash how to be mean."

A year ago, his insult would have meant nothing. Thanks to the hunters, she could no longer afford a trailer park as a home for her pack. Rage turned her hands to claws. She killed him with her glare.

"I can recite my lineage all of the way back to Fenrir. My mother's line has produced a werewolf every generation going back a millennium."

"Why'd your mama breed with a coyote then, little girl?"
She must not kill him.
Victoria bit back a slur against Logan's lineage, only because to deride him also meant insulting Arik. Sides heaving, she fumed and forced her hands to revert.
He dismissed any threat she posed with a smirk and a shrug. Balancing on his heels, Logan extracted a small container from his pocket and popped the lid. He threw back his head, tossed candy into his mouth, and crunched it between his teeth. The tantalizing scent of sweet citrus filled the air.
Her stomach snarled. Hunger clawed at her ribs.
Logan's brow shot up and he cast a deliberate glance at her abdomen. He smirked. "Hungry?"
"What are those?"
"Breath mints." Logan held up the container. "Want some?"
Victoria sharply nodded. He tossed her the box, and she caught it out of the air. Without hesitation, she downed the entire contents of the container within seconds. It did nothing to abate her hunger, but it deprived him of his candy.
She hurled the empty plastic box back at Logan, aiming for his face. His left hand flashed, and he caught it out of the air. "You ate all of my candy."
"Sue me," she said with a saccharine smile.
"I would but you don't look like you're good for the nickel."

Blurb from goodreads ~ 
  Victoria Storm faces seemingly insurmountable odds to keep her dwindling pack of werewolves alive and together. She fights hunters―including the brother and father of her deceased lover―and the pack takes another devastating loss. When they seek sanctuary in a small town near Lake Tahoe, high in the secluded Sierra Nevada Mountains, Victoria discovers they are infringing on the territory of a vastly more powerful Alpha wolf. To save her pack, she uses her feminine wiles to seduce the Alpha.

Nothing comes easily for Victoria. Her plans are complicated by the Alpha's erratic son, a ghostly wife, and a vengeful witch. Not even her status as a Valkyrie or the favor of the Goddess Freya can change the course of destiny for Victoria or her packmates. 

Publisher: Melissa Snark
Format: paperback, ebook
Release Date: April 25, 2013



Giveaway is for the continental United States only:

Ends January 31st

(2) $15Amazon gift cards to Amazon
(2) signed paperback copies of Hunger Moon. 

 a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. thank you for the chance to win :)
    jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com

  2. thanks for the giveaway angelrulez19@yahoo.com

  3. Hi Bea,
    Thank you so much for hosting my excerpt tour. I appreciate this opportunity to share my stories with your readers.


  4. Thanks for posting.

  5. Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. I am looking forward to this contest

  7. Sounds good, thanks for the giveaway.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  8. thank you for the giveaway!
    elena_istomina at yahoo dot com

  9. This book looks interesting!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  10. Thanks for the opportunity.



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