Saturday, January 4, 2014

Clear Your Shelf Giveaway Hop

clear your shelf january

Welcome! It may be freezing winter here but I'm doing a bit of cleaning and giving away some books from my shelves.  Right before Christmas I donated a bunch of books to a local shelter but I still have a few gathering dust. There are two books, going to one winner. US only, sorry. This is a blog hop so at the end of the post you'll find a linky list of other particicipating blogs. There's a range of books being given away so be sure to visit some of the other blogs.

The Books ~

Click on the image to go to the book's goodreads page.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for the giveaway, Bea! Enjoy the weekend :)

  2. Great choices, both of these books sound reeeally good ... Dancing on Broken Glass has some really amazing reviews too.
    btw, WOW at your 2014 Challenges!! Happy reading :)

  3. Lovely giveaway although the last thing I need right now is more books. LOL


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