Thursday, October 17, 2013

Very Superstitious Blog Tour: A Guest Post by Mari Mancusi, A Mini Review & A Giveaway

Welcome to today's stop on the Very Superstitious: Myths, Legends, and Tales of Superstition Blog Tour. This is yet another anthology that supports a non-profit, this time it's SPCA International. October certainly seems to be the month for books that support various charities and anthologies and we are always happy to help. 

For my stop, I have a guest post from author Mari Mancusi, a brief review of her story in the anthology, and there's a giveaway at the end of the post.

Mari Mancusi used to wish she could become a vampire back in high school. But she ended up in another blood sucking profession --journalism -- instead. Today she works as a freelance TV producer and author of books for teens and adults.

When not writing about creatures of the night, Mari enjoys traveling, cooking, goth clubbing, watching cheesy horror movies, and her favorite guilty pleasure--videogames. A graduate of Boston University and a two time Emmy Award winner, she lives in Austin , Texas with her husband Jacob, daughter Avalon and their dog Mesquite. You can find Mari online at

Find Mari Online:  Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads

The story is very reminiscent of O Henry's "The Gift of the Magi". Was that your inspiration or was there another story or legend that prompted this one?
Yes, the story was inspired by Gift of the Magi, which was always one of my favorite stories. I love the idea of two people who love each other so much that they’re willing to give up something they truly value—a piece of themselves, so to speak—to make the other person happy. And then, of course, the irony that, because of the other’s sacrifice, their gift/sacrifice becomes worthless.
In the original story, Jim sells his precious pocket watch to buy a comb for Della. Della sells her hair (thus making the comb useless) to buy a chain for Jim’s watch. Both gifts end up being completely worthless. (Though, to be fair, Della can grow her hair back!)
My story follows two young werewolves, Luna and Orpheus, who are in love but are forbidden to marry because Luna is required to marry the pack’s Alpha. Knowing that the Alpha is cruel and has hurt Luna in the past, Orpheus can’t accept this reality and hatches a plan to allow him to keep Luna safe—at great sacrifice to himself. In return, Luna comes up with her own way to be with Orpheus—at the expense of giving up a part of herself that she loves.
I won’t spoiler what they give, what they gain and what they lose, but suffice to say there’s a similar irony to the original story. Hopefully readers will find it as heart-wrenching as I did when I wrote it.

Publisher: Month9Books
Format Read: Kindle Book
Source: The publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Release Date: October 15, 2013
Buying Links: Amazon* | Book Depository* |
*affiliate link; the blog receives a small commission for purchases made through this link.
Shannon Delany 
Pab Sungenis
Stephanie Kuehner
Jennifer Knight
Mari Mancusi
Michelle E. Reed
Jackie Morse Kessler
Dianne K. Salerni

Blurb from goodreads:

The stories are based on urban legends, myths, tribal tales and superstitions from around the world. A charity anthology to benefit SPCA International with stories by Shannon Delany, Jackie Morse Kessler, Stephanie Kuehnert, Jennifer Knight, Marianne Mancusi,Michelle E. Reed, Dianne Salerni and Pab Sungenis.

Bea's Thoughts: 

The cover, the blurb, and the fact that the books supports animals all worked together to catch my eye and say, "Read me!". I  am still reading the other stories but I read Mancusi's story, "The Gift of The Were-Magi" and as I read it, the story "Gift of the Magi" kept running through my head although (yes the story title should have been a clue but I didn't pay attention to it before I started reading) it also has elements of "Romeo and Juliet". With that in mind, parts of the story were predictable and like many YA stories these days, or even many romances, there's a love triangle of sorts. Despite that, I enjoyed the story and I cared about what happened to Luna and Orpheus. The ending is heartbreaking, there's no HEA for those two. I was intrigued by the world Mancusi created and would like to read more stories set there. I'd give this story three stars.

Giveaway Information: · An ebook of each authors' work (INT) · One (1) physical copy of the Very Superstitious Anthology (US Only)

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. I don't believe in any superstitious but when I was a kid I do. LikeI should not cut my nails at night and that I should not step on a mound where other beings live.


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