Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday Book Share #58


I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. These  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received, and different posts and events at their blogs.

My high school class is having it's 30th reunion this weekend. Friday night many of us met up at a local billiards club, then Saturday morning and afternoon some us got together at our old hangout, the cemetery wall (hey, it's a small rural town; our options were limited. :D), then Saturday night was the official dinner at a country club and today we're having brunch and then everyone from out of town is heading back home. Some people I hadn't seen since graduation, while others I'd seen at previous reunions. There weren't many people I'd stayed in touch with but I enjoyed chatting with people. I'm typing this up in between the late lunch we had after The Wall and before I head out to the dinner.

The Week In Review

1 digital copy of "One Last Shot" by Danielle La Paglia. Ends October 14th. 

1 trade paperback of Death Never Sleeps by E.J. Simon, to a US resident. Ends Oct. 19th

1 trade paperback of Saving Paradise by Mike Bond, to a US resident. Ends Oct. 19th

$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash from author Stan Schatt, ends Oct. 25th.

1 winner will receive their choice of a Kindle Fire 7″ HD (US Only), $199 Amazon Gift Card or $199 in Paypal Cash (International), ends October 31st.

Win 1 of 2 Fangtastic Prize Sets including 1 "Cancer Sucks But I Bite Back" mug, bookmarks, vampire swag, and a digital copy of "Unforeseen", the first book in the Alex Crocker series, ends October 31st.

$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash from authors Zoey & Claire Kane, ends November 11th


Bought - Print

I got these through, a wonderful site for trading books. 

Review - Kindle 

*frenetic happy dancing*

Kindle Freebies

How was your week? 

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Nice! I'm glad you got Sea of Shadows.

    My high school class sucks. No one wanted to put together a 10 year reunion. I didn't want to see most of then anyway. :)

    1. My class has been great about regular reunions but I hadn't been to one in 20n years. I kept in touch with very few people but it was nice to see them again and most of them are quite decent now. :)

  2. i just finished reading i'll be home for christmas and i quite like it. it's a great look into marriage of someone in the military. hope you enjoy it as well. happy reading :)

    hope you can stop by my StS/Sunday Post.

    -michelle @ Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks

  3. Hope you enjoy the reunion! I never went to any of mine, but maybe someday....

    I loved The Witness...hope you do, too. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. Jessica Scott's "I'll be Home for Christmas" -- I love Christmas books!

  5. sounds like a fun week - hope your reunion was a good time!
    ~gaele @ I am, Indeed.

  6. I'm not sure if my HS class has reunions. I went to our 10 year and the organizers said they were through. By the time it is our 50th I should be back living in the town where I graduated.

    Come see what I got at Ms. Martin Teaches Media. Happy reading!

  7. I'm glad you got to see some of the people from school. I didn't go to my high school reunion. Not sure if I will go to the 20th one either. :( Enjoy your new books.

    Thanks for stopping by, :)
    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  8. I like your "frenetic happy dance"!!! I need to adopt a type of happy dance :D

    What a nice reunion you had!!! It sounds like they are planned really well and it's kind of nice they are small and just kind of "hanging out" types!! I went to my 20th but I skipped the 25th. Not sure about the 30th - I didn't really keep up with anyone either :)

    Have a great week!!

  9. Shadows Gray looks good, hope you enjoy!

  10. Love the look of all your newest books. And what fun to attend a high school reunion. I went to my 20th, which was fun, but after that one they started combining all classes into a more general reunion, so I haven't been back since.

    My Sunday recap:

  11. Sounds like you're having a wonderful time at your reunion! It's lovely that they've planned a whole weekend. My 30th high school reunion was a picnic/cookout -- great fun, but not nearly long enough to talk with everyone I wanted to see.

    Crystal Gardens was interesting -- I look forward to your review!

  12. Damn! That Alex Archer series is frickin long! I'm curious to see what it's all about. The one you got is the 43.5th book?!

    New GFC, NB & linky follower. Thanks for stopping by my post earlier

  13. So many of my fav authors in your pile this week..enjoy! I saw the pictures on facebook and it looks like you are having a grand old time! Have a wonderful week

  14. Lot's of new books here for me to check out. Awesome week on the blog :)

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

    My Sunday Post

  15. I haven't been to any of my reunions and I really don't wish to, not to mention the fact I live over 500 miles away now. Glad you're enjoying yours though. :)

  16. I love Nora Roberts but this book is on the TBR still. Hope you like it and Happy Reading!

    My Sunday Post

  17. The reunion sounds like fun. Enjoy!

  18. Sea of Shadows looks good. My high school reunion was okay. Enjoy your week. :)

  19. Busy as usual, good to see Bea! Glad you had a great 30th reunion. Sounded like fun!

    Thanx for visiting My Weekly Wrap-Up!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  20. Nice haul this week. It's good to hear that you're enjoying the reunion, my 20 year was ok, nothing to really get excited about.

    Have a lovely week.

    Sunday Post


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!