Monday, October 14, 2013

CarolKat Reviews Dangerous Secrets by Lisa Renee Jones

Publisher: Lisa Renee Jones
Series: Tall, Dark and Deadly Boxed Set Book #2
Format Read: Kindle Book
Source: Owned by the reviewer
Release Date: January 7, 2013
Buying Links:  Amazon* | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords
* affiliate link; the blog receives a small commission for purchases made through this link.

Blurb from goodreads:

Being a divorce attorney for the rich and famous isn't all it's cracked up to be. Julie Harrison has learned that love doesn't last, and she's sworn never to make the same mistakes as her mother, or her clients. She uses the games men play to keep them at a distance. The only man who managed to break down her walls was Luke Walker, a Navy SEAL who loved her and left her, and changed her forever.

When Luke arrives back in New York, running Walker Security with his brothers and having left his Navy SEAL days behind, he sets his sights on Julie, the woman he's always wanted and couldn't have. Except, she runs from him every time he gets close.

But now, one of Julie's clients, a powerful judge, gets involved with a dangerous cartel, and his soon-to-be-ex wife ends up dead. Julie's next on the list, and she finds herself on the run from those who believe she knows too much, and counting on Luke to keep her alive. In the deepest, darkest moments of the night, passion will bring them together while danger threatens to tear them apart. Can Julie and Luke trust each other and find their happy ending before they find ... the end?

 CarolKat's Thoughts:

This one begins with Julie having an unexpected meeting with a client’s wife.  The implied dangerous threat of exposing secrets her husband a powerful judge would not want revealed.  The judge tells her to call her bluff.

Julie is Maid of Honor in the upcoming nuptials of her best friend Lauren and as such the last thing she needs is case complications.  With the rehearsal dinner just two days away, yet another case develops problems that require her presence in Chicago.  Which is how she runs into Luke (Royce’s brother and best man), at O’Hare in the middle of a vicious snow storm.

This is one of my favorite scenes:   

“Miss,” the attendant said, sounding urgent, “your flight is about to leave without you. You really do have to board now.”

Julie walked backwards. “Getting killed would ruin the wedding, Luke.” 
“I know.” He chuckled, a deep sexy sound that tickled every nerve ending she owned. “Get on the plane. I’ll see you there. Alive.”

Luke anticipating the cancellation of her flight secures rooms for them at the recommended hotel. Surprising Julie and also helping to relieve her sense of foreboding.

Julie’s unease intensifies, when a stranger appears and picks up her cell phone during dinner, no reasoning just unease and of course Luke picks up on it and wants details.  Asking for only a dollar retainer, Luke takes on the case.

The news that the judge’s wife is dead by suicide in the morning creates more anxiety and fear in Julie.  Notification of a quick autopsy and cremation peaks Luke’s instincts and worry over Julie’s safety becomes paramount.

Needless to say this relationship heats up to beyond steamy, but not when and where you might think. While the wedding comes off without a hitch, keeping Lauren and Royce out of the suspense is a chore in itself.

As the story unfolded I felt all the same feelings I do when reading one of Lisa’s books. The intensity of the romance, the steamy, hot sex, the suspense, the sense of family related or not, is enthralling.

Yet another great read and another five stars to Lisa.  You set the bar higher with each book, BRAVO!

Can’t wait to see what’s in store for Blake.  I know it will be surprising and intense.
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  1. This looks like one I'd give a whirl. Thanks! :)

  2. Mm it sounds so good! I have the set just need to find the time. Every one I've tried of hers so far has been fantastic :) Great review CarolKat!


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