Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday Book Share #49


I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. These  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received, and different posts and events at their blogs.

This is the last week of my school's school year and then next week, vacation! Last week was quiet for me, but it was good. I had a bad moment one day at school when we thought one of the kids in my class was having an allergic reaction but happily it was a false alarm. It's hard to believe summer is almost over. :( I've been getting out for walks after work a couple nights a week, building up my strength and endurance. I need to lose weight and I've always enjoyed walking.

The Week In Review


A 7" Kindle Fire, a $199US Amazon GC or $199US PayPal Cash, ends August 15th.

A $10 Amazon Gift Card from author Joyce Proell, ends August 16th

Odd or interesting search phrases for the blog: A quiet week this week - "long ago mystery authors", "cat saying thank you", and "threesome excerpts"

The Week Coming Up

Cover Reveal for Hard As You Can by Laura Kaye
Guest Post by Christine Feldman
Bea Reviews The Cat Whisperer by Mieshelle Nagelschneider
Carol Reviews Heat Wave by Taryn Kincaid
Carol Interviews Taryn Kincaid

Won - Print
I won this from Lori at Escape with Dollycas. Thanks! 
Bought - Kindle
 I have these books in print but when I saw that all four had been collected into one Kindle book for less than the price of a paperback, I couldn't resist.
Review - Kindle 

Thank you Harlequin and Hachette!

Review - Print
Thank you Goldberg McDuffie Communications!
Kindle Freebies

How has your week been? Leave a link in your comment and I'll come visit.


  1. Against the Mark was good!! Enjoy your vacation my friend and glad the little one was ok! The Sunday Post

    1. One more week until vacation; I am so ready!

  2. You have a good mix of genres there. I like Kat Martin's Against series. Still need to read book #3 though.

    Happy reading!

    1. It was a nice mix of genres last week, wasn't it? :)

  3. Always great to win something isn't it? Hope you have a great week.


    1. It is nice to win something. :) You have a good week too.

  4. The summer goes so quickly! I hope you enjoy your little break. And what a great win - that cover is enticing...

    Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun

    1. It is an enticing cover! I'm looking forward to my break very much.

  5. I really want to read Frozen. I know the reviews are mixed but it sounds like such an interesting book.

    I cannot wait for summer to be over! Living in Central Florida, it won't feel like that until sometime in October.

    1. I haven't read any of the reviews yet but the blurb is very intriguing.

      Oh, I don't envy you having summer last until October. That's just too long. Stay cool!

  6. You got such great books this week!! Another Kat Martin!!! We have all of then at the library and they are SOOOO popular!!! I'll have to check them out one of these days :D

    Yay for vacation and I'm so sorry for the allergy scare at school - yikes and ugh at the same time!!!!

    Have a great week!!!

    1. I'm excited about my books and my vacation. I bet Martin is popular at your library, definitely gie her a try sometime.

  7. Dead Sexy looks great. Awesome haul of books. Hope you love them all. Thanks for visiting me as well.


  8. Great haul...hope you enjoy them all! Here's my Sunday post:

  9. Nice haul! I received Dead Sexy Dragon too, and Frozen is on my want-so-badly shelf. I hope you enjoy all your new reads. Glad to hear the kiddo was okay and that you're enjoying the walking. Have a great vacay!

    Raina The LUV'NV

    1. Hi Raina, nice to see you hear. I love the cover for Dead Sexy Dragon; I hope the book is as good. Thanks for visiting.

  10. It's scary with situations like that with little ones. Enjoy the haul. :)

    1. It really is. I don't know how parents do it day in and day out.

  11. I need to bump Victoria Laurie up the ranks and I also got Dead Sexy Dragon from NetGalley. Can't wait to read that one! Have a great week!

    1. A lot of people got Dead Sexy Dragon. Definitely give Laurie a try, she writes nice, light urban fantasy.

  12. I am so jealous that you got Frozen and Winds of Salem. I have tried and failed at acquiring those!

  13. Great stack! I'm curious about Gingerbread Man. Enjoy your week...and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Gingerbread Man is a re-release so you might be able to find an earlier version or see if this one is still free at Smashwords.

  14. I love vacation time! You have some awesome covers in your stack this week. Hope you enjoy and thanks for stopping by. :)

    1. I am ready for some downtime! There are some awesome covers, let's hope the books are as good. :)

  15. Dead Sexy Dragon looks pretty good. Hope you enjoy 'em!

    My STS.

  16. Ooh, lots of giveaways! Love the cover of Deadly Forecast. Great haul and happy reading!

    Bookmunchies' Sunday Post & STS (:

  17. You get some awesome books Bea, hope you enjoy them!!

    Thanx for visiting My Weekly Wrap-Up!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  18. It is always awesome to win books! Enjoy all your books and thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    Sugar & Snark

  19. Yay!!! Vacation! :))) I really hope you enjoy it, Bea, and glad you started going out for a walk! Hope you enjoy all your reads, sweetheart. Dead Sexy Dragon sure looks yummy :)

  20. Enjoy your vacation and your walks! Great new titles-Happy reading!

  21. I've had my eye on Frozen for awhile. I'll be interested to see what you think about it.

    Happy reading.

    Here is my link to my weekly book haul:

  22. Mary Stewart's Arthurian Saga was so good! Great buy for Kindle.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!