Thursday, August 1, 2013

Cat Thursday - Goof vs Books

Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict
Goof likes to be on the couch with me, usually curled up next to me. If I have something on the couch - my cell phone, the remote, or books - he just curls up on top. If he can't, he gives me a disgusted look. 
"Mom, if you moved these, I could stretch out, maybe stick my butt on your keyboard."

Heavy sigh. "Fine, I'll use them as a pillow but they're really not comfy."

I was trying to get a pic of all the books for facebook and my Sunday post. It took me several tries and I had to wait for Goof to jump down before I got my desired picture.

Do your cats try to help you when you're reading or working?


  1. I think that most cats are very "helpful" in this way! They need to kmow and claim everything in their space!

  2. ::snort:: Goof would fit right in with the herd. They'll lay on anything if they "have to".

  3. That's so funny. My cat likes to be in on the action when I am working. She plops down in front of me and sits wherever even on the keyboard. :)

  4. Well, my cat walks over my laptop and grazes on headphone wires for my husband's but doesn't touch mine LOL He is loyal like that :)

  5. Oh yes, Arya is always helpful. She likes to lay on me when I'm trying to type for work. Not easy with a cat lying on your chest. LOL!

    Goof is a cutie!


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