Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Blog Tour: CarolKat Interviews Romance Author Taryn Kincaid

I would like to thank Taryn Kincaid for taking out valuable time from her parasailing up and down the Hudson River to celebrate the release of Heat Wave the latest in her 1Night Stand series.  I also appreciate her adjusting the tin foil to throw the CIA (Culinary Institute of America) off her trail while she answers my interview questions. I think they are after me too.

Read my review of "Heat Wave" here and then enter the giveaway.

Taryn is an Olympic caliber athlete egg roller and spends a great deal of her time petitioning the U.S.O.C. to introduce a fantail shrimp competition. When she's not bungee jumping off the Palisades or parasailing up and down the Hudson River, she devotes her time to caring for her aging pet walrus, arranging her voodoo doll-pin collection and practicing rhythmic chants. At this moment, she is busy sweeping up the loose masala chai tea leaves she spilled all over the kitchen floor. (Probably because she needs COFFEE.) Wait. Is that something…sparkly?

Taryn hangs around a lot on Facebook and Twitter with her trillions of fans and pops in at Goodreads from time to time. You can catch her on her website,, and her blog, where she lives for comments! She implores you to buy her books so she can retire.

Find Taryn Online:

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Amazon

CarolKat: Can you please tell me a bit about yourself?

Taryn: I could. But then I’d have to kill you. And I wouldn’t want to run afoul of national security or global intrigue or anything. Let’s just say I know Daniel Craig personally. We like to call each other by our numbers.

CarolKat: Please tell us a little about your new release?

Taryn: Yeppers! I’d be delighted.  HEAT WAVE is my fourth 1Night Stand story for Decadent Publishing and the fourth erotic paranormal in my Sleepy Hollow series. I am, of course, in love with the hero, Bhyrne Raines, an  über sexy,  über (literally)  HOT fire sex demon and enforcer for the Queen of the Succubi. Bhyrne’s the  cousin of the hunky hero of FROST, erotic artist Max Raines.

HEAT WAVE’s heroine is Zena Night, sultry, seductive party-girl (some might even say promiscuous bad girl) succubus sister of Lily Night, the heroine of LIGHTNING, and Dagney Night, the heroine of FROST.  When we first glimpse Zena in LIGHTNING, she’s being, well, naughty. And when we first meet her again in HEAT WAVE, she’s being every bit as over-the-top. 

Until Bhyrne comes along.  

Here’s the BLURB:
Sent into the human realm to retrieve prodigal princess, Zena Night, Bhyrne Raines is shocked and unprepared for his carnal reaction to the sexy succubus. In service to the succubus queen, the rugged enforcer must stifle the instant passion exploding within him. Fulfilling his royal duty doesn’t allow for quickie dalliances. His biological clock is ticking, and he begins to enter breedspawn, an intense and unstoppable frenzy of mating all fire-demon males must endure. But the more he wants to avoid Zena, the more he’s drawn to her. 

Reluctant to give up her carefree life of partying among the mortals when the hot-as-sin Bhyrne comes to fetch her for the queen, Zena uses her succubus wiles to entice him, or at least delay the inevitable trip to the royal court. Once in the demon stronghold, hidden deep within the Catskill mountains, she learns the reason for the summons: she must choose a consort within two days.

Zena needs a mate. Bhyrne needs to mate. With time running out for both of them, they each turn to 1Night Stand. Can Madame Eve come to the rescue?

CarolKat: Can you tell us about the journey that led you to write your book?

Taryn: I didn’t actually go anywhere. I sat down at the computer in my disorganized and very cluttered den.

CarolKat: What book on the market does yours compare to? How is your book different?

Taryn: HEAT WAVE compares to the other books in my Sleepy Hollow series, of course. And while those were pretty hot, this one’s hotter.

CarolKat: What’s coming up next for you with your writing? Are you working on your next book? Can you tell us a little about it?

Taryn: Something very exciting is in store from Decadent for the Sleepy Hollow series. Stay tuned for a big announcement late August or early September. (If not before!)
CarolKat: Lightning and Thunder had a paranormal flare as does Heat Wave; Blizzard was different in that respect, why the switch?

Taryn: Blizzard was for Decadent’s The Edge line of erotic romances and wasn’t a 1Night Stand. It was inspired by my drives on the NYS Thruway. It was a quick write and it’s a quick read! 

CarolKat: Can your readers expect that kind of surprise switch from the paranormal every once in a while?

Taryn: Maybe! My first book, Healing Hearts (well, I should say my first contracted book, though it came out a few months later than Sleepy Hollow Dreams) was a Regency!

CarolKat: Why Paranormal Romance? What do you like about it?

Taryn: I think you have much freer rein. You make up worlds, you make up creatures, you make up situations. You can let your imagination take flight. (Which is really a good thing if you’ve been winging it.)

CarolKat: What’s a typical day of writing for you? Are you a planner or do you wing it?

Taryn: Totally wing it. (And boy are my arm’s tired.)

CarolKat: What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

Taryn: Have you ever tried writing with wings? It’s hard to type and impossible to use a pen!
CarolKat: What is your favorite part of writing?

Taryn: Fooling around with words and amusing myself! (My proclivity for metaphors and other goofy word play does not always thrill my editors, though.)

CarolKat: What is your least favorite part?

Taryn: Promo. But it has to be done. Or your book kinda lays there like a lox.
CarolKat: Who are some of your influences? Some of your favorite writers?

Taryn: When I originally started reading romance, I was an historical girl all the way. I still love Regencies and other historicals, but my current faves are paranormal authors like J.R. Ward, Nalini Singh and Kresley Cole.

CarolKat: Was there someone who was, or is, particularly helpful to you? Was there someone who inspired you in your writing? In what way(s)?

Taryn: Gotta go with the ‘rents on that one. They encouraged reading. They encouraged writing. They had talent genes and were my biggest fans no matter what I did. My dad even used to brag about my ebooks. Although I’m not too sure he got the ebook concept and I’m certain he didn’t understand they were erotic!

CarolKat: What prompted you to start writing? Would you continue to write if you were no longer published?

Taryn: Well, of course, years ago, before I ran into 007, M, Q and the rest of their cronies, I made a pretty good living as a newspaper reporter and columnist. And that put me through more schooling. In my current paying occupation, I also use words a lot. I love playing with them!

CarolKat: Do you think that social media is important for an author to be involved in?

Taryn: It may not be that important for big name authors whose fans pre-order their works months in advance, but it’s totally necessary for those of us slogging through the vineyard of obscurity.

CarolKat: From your FB/Twitter posts I noticed you travel all over the tri-state area have you considered other locations for your books?

Taryn: Yep. Say…have you been stalking me? LOL! (I’m involved in a secret project for Decadent that will take place in North Dakota; and a secret project for another publisher that will probably take place in Manhattan.)

CarolKat: Does your family read your books? What do they think?

Taryn: In a word, no. But they think it’s great!

CarolKat: Do you prefer to read paper books or ebooks? Why?

Taryn: Ebooks all the way. I have dragged closetsful and drawersful of paper books off to GoodWill and other places. And I still have more hanging around this place than I need or want. I think they are like Tribbles in that respect. (Semi-arcane Star Trek reference for the trekkie geeks out there.) While I have hundreds of books on my various e-devices, they don’t take up any room, they are light and easy to carry and readily available when you’re waiting in the doctor’s office or on line at the bank, they appear on your device like magic with a single click, and you can dispose of them just as readily!

CarolKat: Tell us what you’re reading at the moment and what you think of it.

Taryn: Hmm. I think, by the time peeps read this, I’ll have moved on.

CarolKat: If you could be a character in a book, which one would it be, and what part would you play? (Romantic lead, sidekick, etc)

Taryn: I would like to be Elizabeth Bennett and take home Mr. Darcy. Or Beth, and become Wrath’s Queen. Or Bella and hook up with Z. Do you see the pattern here?

CarolKat: I have noticed your books have a strong presence of the Hudson Valley\Catskill regions. Why that area?

Taryn: So many possibilities. So mystic, so scenic, so historic, so spooky. Sleepy Hollow is Halloween Central in October. (I love October.)

CarolKat:  I have recognized places like Sleepy Hollow.  Are all the settings in the books based on real places in the above region?
Taryn: Well, not exactly.  (Although, in Sleepy Hollow Dreams, the book I did for The Wild Rose Press a couple of years ago, there was a scene in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery and the Old Dutch Church, both of which really exist and are sort of tourist attractions. Especially around Halloween!)

CarolKat: Anything that you want to add or say to your readers?
Taryn: I love you. Mwah-smack!


  1. Looking forward to the announcement about your Sleepy Hollow stories! Congrats on your new release and all the best with your tour!

  2. Thnx for hosting, Bridget and thnx for the great review and fun interview, Carol!

  3. You are very welcome. I love these escapades in the Hudson Valley! :D


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