Thursday, August 29, 2013

ARC Review: CarolKat Reviews Revealing Us by Lisa Renee Jones

Publisher: Gallery Books
Format Read: Print ARC
Series: Inside Out #3
Source: The publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: September 10, 2013
Buying Links: Amazon* | Book Depository* | Barnes & Noble
* affiliate link; clicking & purchasing results in a small commission for the blog.

Blurb from goodreads:

The third installment in the sexy Inside Out erotic romance series—in the seductive tradition of Fifty Shades of Grey.

You've discovered Rebecca's secrets. You've discovered Sara's secrets. Now Sara will discover "his" deepest, darkest secrets...but will those secrets bind them together--or tear them apart?

CarolKat's Thoughts:

I cannot begin to explain my love of this series.  Once again the story starts with an excerpt from Rebecca’s journal.  In "Being Me" we learned what happened to Rebecca and the story now continues with Sara heading off to a new life with Chris in Paris.

But let’s not make this an easy transition; starting at the Paris Airport, Sara gets her pocket picked and her wallet and passport are gone before she makes it to the customs line.

Then the cab ride is no picnic with a message from the detective handling the investigation of Ava and asking why she left in such a hurry.  I almost want to scream at the injustice of the beginning, but the way Chris handles things has me relaxing and waiting for the next thing to come up.

The beginning scenes are among my favorite and this is one of my favorites as they travel from the airport.

I’m in Paris, which I’m experiencing because of Chris, when everyone in my life has always kept me in a box. I lean over and kiss his cheek. “What’s that for?” he asks, his strong arm wrapping around my waist. I can think of a million ways to answer, and a million things I want to say to him. I simply say, “For being you.”

More complications arise as we meet Amber, a good friend of Chris’, under the most unfavorable circumstances.  Sara gets a lovely French tutor, Chantal, recommended by Katie, Chris’ godmother.  Chantal helps with the language barrier as Sara begins looking for Ella. First at City Hall, then later at the US Embassy, Chantal is again needed when the French police show up.  Can we say "Damn, Sara needs a break?

The story is fast paced and secrets are revealed.  Sara and Chris work through a lot as they find how much they really do love each other.

My only complaint is the cliffhanger, but it only makes me wonder about another book!  Somehow I get the feeling this is not going to stay a trilogy.

Bravo, Lisa!

Five stars for this suspenseful, captivating, sexy book.


  1. I haven't seen this series before, and I do think it sounds good. Glad you enjoyed it.

    1. Carol also reviewed the first two books; maybe I should add those links in.

  2. Why aren't I reading this series? Bea this sounds like one I would enjoy. I am adding to my list :)

    1. LOL I have no idea; why aren't you reading this? :D


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