Tuesday, July 30, 2013

GC Giveaway & Spotlight On A Deadly Truth by Joyce Proell

Today's book is a little bit different; it's a historical romantic suspense. Historical romances aren't my usual thing but this one sounded very interesting plus it's a romantic suspense, and the cover is spooky.

Joyce Proell grew up in Minnesota and attended college and grad school in Chicago. After working in mental health, she retired at a young age to write full-time. Her first book, Eliza, was published in 2012. When she isn’t writing mysteries or historical romances, she loves to travel, walk, read, and do crossword puzzles. She and her husband make their home in rural Minnesota in her very own little house on the prairie.

Find Joyce Online: 



Blurb from the author ~

Tainted in the eyes of Victorian society by his wife’s suicide, Doyle Flanagan turns a deaf ear to the baseless gossip and harsh rebukes. Ignoring his shattered reputation, he goes about his business, making money and enemies, and doing good works whenever his conscience gets the best of him. Arrested for murder, he is forced to rely on a feisty school administrator to solve the puzzle. As he struggles to prove his innocence, he realizes gaining the trust and loyalty of Cady Delafield may be more important than his freedom. 

On a quest to locate a missing student, school matron Cady Delafield enters a stranger’s house and discovers the woman murdered. Driven to see the murderer brought to justice, she is determined to prevent any further tragedy even if it means joining forces with the very man accused of the atrocity. Against the wishes of her powerful family, she risks her job and reputation to learn the truth. But will the truth, once revealed, drive her away from the man she has come to love?

Passion and murder collide in 1880’s Chicago as they race to keep one step ahead of the police who want Doyle to pay for his crime. As the attraction between Cady and Doyle sizzles, they battle suspicions, lies and lethal actions to uncover the murderer before he destroys them both.

Publisher: Champagne Books
Format: ebook
Length: 234 pages, 500 KB
Release Date: July 1, 2013
Buying Links: Amazon* | Champagne Books | ARe



Joyce will be awarding a $10 Amazon gift card to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour. Comment on here, and follow the tour and comment to enter; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here: http://goddessfishpromotions.blogspot.com/2013/05/blurb-blitz-tour-deadly-truth-by-joyce.html


  1. The story sounds very exciting, I can't wait to read it.


  2. This one is new to me, and it sounds really good.

  3. I just love books set in the 1800's and cant wait to read this one.


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