Thursday, July 11, 2013

Cat Thursday - I regret NOTHING!

Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict.

My boy Goof has a passion for bread. I can not leave any bread where he can get it. Pizza crust in the trash? I find it on the floor, chewed. Forget to put the grocery bag with the loaf of bread on the kitchen counter? I have a torn bread bag and chewed bread.  And if I eat pancakes, he's trying to jump in my lap to get at them. Goof, the bread addicted cat. :D


  1. LOL ahhh I love the I regret nothing kitties. So stinking funny. Did you see the one I posted to FB the other day?

    Goof sounds a lot like Cypress. She's a determined girl and if you try to shoo her away from your food she starts boxing at you.

  2. Lol, I have never heard of a cat loving bread! He sure is a Goof!

  3. Lol. He certainly is goofy. My cats growing up never ate bread like that. :)

  4. haha oh cats are so silly. Thanks for the laugh. Come check out my cat thursday post.

    -V @ V's Stack of Books

  5. LOL...That looks like my Trudy but she doesn't eat bread.

  6. Midnight is so that cat...except two minutes after he eats all that..he barfs it up :(

  7. I've known dogs who chew through plastic to get at bread, but never a cat! Goof looks very goofy with his mouth full like that. ;-)

    Our Tasha won't eat anything but her boring dry cat food (and she's bulimic with that). She even turns her nose up at real chicken or tuna, though she'll lap up a tiny bit of tuna water.

  8. It's so weird when they like bread, I think. Like, "what a weird thing for a cat to like." Haha! I had a cat that loved bread too. Years ago. She was always tearing into the bread. We had to keep it put up.


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