Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Summer Lovin' Read-A-Thon is Here!


Well, it starts tomorrow so I need to get ready. It lasts all week, until the 7th and the goal is to read as many books as possible, but without stressing.

To quote from the sign-up post:
The week long read-a-thon will start Monday July 1st with daily events and giveaways. Then come and join us for a 24-hr marathon read-a-thon starting Saturday, July 6th from 10:00 a.m. EST to Sunday, July 7th at 9:59 a.m. EST.

You can chat about your progress on Twitter all week long using the hashtag #SummerLovin13
Also, the sign up period is open until July 6th so if you decide to join, it's not too late.

My goals for the week, work and health permitting:

Finish proofing the romance I'm editing - returned to author 7/2, waiting for final edits; edits received back 7/6, further editing needed, working on it 7/7; edits finished and returned to author 7/7
Continue reading Carniepunk, edited by Rachel Caine
Read Marilyn's Red Diary by E. Z. Friedel Finished Mon. 7/1, review posted 7/2
Read Sacrifice of Passion by Melissa Bourbon Ramirez - read 7/4, review posted 7/5
Read Sabaska's Tale by J.A. Campbell
Read Making It Last by Ruthie Knox
Read Accomplished in Murder by Dara England - read 7/3, GR review posted 7/3
Read That Night on Thistle Lane by Carla Neggers - reading 7/5, finished 7/6, GR review posted 7/6
ETA: Read The Dirt on Their Hands by Laura Anne Gilman - read 7/3
ETA: Read Where Do Animals Go When It Rains? by Janet S. Crown - I forgot I had this in my review pile for the week. read 7/6, GR review posted 7/6

ETA: and as of midnight July 5th, for my goodreads 2013 challenge: "You have read 103 books toward your goal of 205 books. 103 of 205 (50%) Great work, you're on track!" YEAH!

That's about twice what I usually do in a week so for me that's an ambitious list. Will you be joining in? If you see me on twitter or facebook, give me a nudge to keep reading!


  1. Nice goals..but be sure and rest somewhere in there!

    1. Yes mother. :D

      I probably won't get all these done but I wanted to aim high. :)

  2. I love making unreasonable reading goals; it makes the pages turn more quickly!

  3. You put me to shame when I look at my own pile of unread book. There just aren't enough hours in the day!

    1. Agreed, we need more hours for reading.

      This week was a good one for a read-a-thon. I have a light week on the blog and at my day job so I can devote more time to reading. :)


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