Monday, June 24, 2013

Quote-Tastic #8

Anna at Herding Cats & Burning Soup has created a new weekly meme. Want to join along?

  Click on the link above. Anna is posting hers on Mondays, as am I, but you can choose any day of the week that works for you. Leave me a link in your comment and I will check out your quotes!

Today's treasure is from Hunted by Kevin Hearne. I love this series so much. Picking a quote that didn't reveal anything important was a challenge but this one should make you laugh. :D

This quote is from the ARC so it may be different from what's it in the final version (due out tomorrow).

Granuaile shifted but remained invisible and evidently had a complaint when she asked Oberon for her throwing knives, for I heard my hound say, <Slobber is just one of the many fine services I provide for free.>  <Oberon, please stay here. There's nothing you can bite down there.>  <Okay, that's fine with me. I've been meaning to do some serious maintenance of the undercarriage, if you know what I mean, and you guys always freak out when I go downtown. > 


  1. Oberon is awesome. If I could have a talking dog, I would so want one just like Oberon. It's no wonder Atticus loves his dog.

    1. Oberon is a hoot, I want a dog like him too. There were so many good quotes, many involving Oberon.

  2. I love the cover on this one. And how freaking funny. I'm so glad I can't hear what the herd is thinking. lol

  3. This is a series I haven't started yet though I think I've got the first book. It's on my summer reading list.

  4. Interesting and fun!! I had to look this one up on Goodreads, to fully understand what it is about. It definitely sounds like a really great story! All those gods and a big chase, and majick! Good quote!!


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