Thursday, June 13, 2013

Interview with Author Tiffany Allee

Welcome, pull up a seat and get comfy. Today I'm chatting with author Tiffany Allee. Her newest novel, "Don't Bite the Bridesmaid" (that title makes me laugh every time I see it ~ Bea) just came out on May 27th. It's the first in a new series, Sons of Kane

CPA-turned-romance-author Tiffany Allee used to battle spreadsheets in Corporate America, and now concentrates on her characters’ battles to find love. Raised in small-town Colorado, Tiffany currently lives in Phoenix, AZ, by way of Chicago and Denver. She is happily married to a secret romantic who tolerates her crazy mutterings.

She writes about ass-kicking heroines and the strong heroes who love them. Her work includes the suspense-driven From the Files of the Otherworlder Enforcement Agency series which revolves around a group of paranormal cops solving crimes and finding love, and Don’t Bite the Bridesmaid, a lighthearted paranormal romance (Entangled Publishing).

Tiffany has an MBA in accounting and nearly a decade of experience in corporate finance. All super useful stuff for a writer who spends far too much time trying to figure out fun ways to keep her characters apart, and interesting ways to kill people (for her books—of course!).

Tiffany is represented by Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency. 

Find Tiffany online: 


Tiffany: First of all, thank you so much for inviting me here today!

Bea: What’s a typical day of writing for you? Are you a planner or do you wing it?

Tiffany: I am very much a planner, although I do change things up if a more interesting opportunity presents itself while writing. And with some books, I have to start with a very high level outline and figure out much of it as I go along, but I prefer to have a pretty solid outline going in. :)

Bea: What prompted you to start writing? Would you continue to write if you were no longer published?

Tiffany: I was a dabbler in writing growing up. Addicted to epic fantasy, I would plan out my worlds to a crazy extent, draw maps, and (only sometimes) write part of the actual story. When my cousin started writing a few years ago, it triggered something in me, too. Once I started, I couldn’t stop.

Writing is almost an addiction for me now. I don’t think I could quit if I tried! 

Bea: Does your family read your books? What do they think?

Tiffany: My family is hugely supportive of my writing. My mom is my biggest cheerleader. One of my brothers has even read some of my books, although he skips ahead when things get sexy, haha. But he’s really only interested in the ones that have murder and mystery elements, so he’s probably not going to be attempting Don’t Bite the Bridesmaid. A good thing, since I still want to be able to look him in the eye at Thanksgiving. 

Bea: What, if any, similarities do your current career as an author and your former career as a CPA have in common? Do you ever draw on your former career when writing?

Tiffany: The skills I learned while working in accounting and finance have crossed over far more than I would have guessed. Not much directly translates, but the skills I learned there have helped me so much. Discipline. Meeting deadlines. A professional attitude. 

As a writer, there are so many things we can’t control, like how well a book will sell, or how people will react to our stories. But professionalism and work ethic is something we can control. I am so thankful that my time in corporate jobs helped me to become a professional writer.

Bea: Tell us about your obsession with Firefly, what made it a great show?

Tiffany: Uh…everything. Nathan Fillion. And Joss Whedon’s writing—especially his snappy dialogue.  And Nathan Fillion. Damn, now I have to go watch it again.

Bea: Do you prefer to read paper books or ebooks? Why?

Tiffany: For most fiction I prefer ebooks, with the occasional exception that I just have to own in print. Books are just easier to lug around and store that way. Plus, one-click ordering has made it almost too easy to immediately read something that catches my interest. 

For nonfiction I strongly prefer paper books. I like to be able to flip back and forth through pages easily while reading nonfiction.

Bea: What draws you to the romance genre? Why paranormal romance instead of straight up romance, straight up paranormal or straight up mystery? Do you think you might ever try a different genre?

Tiffany: I love paranormal romance because it offers a chance to explore a few genres mixed together. I get to mix two of my favorite things: fantasy and romance. And with some of my books there is mystery as well. I also enjoy these genres alone, and plan on writing some different genres in the future.

Bea: Tell us what you’re reading at the moment and what you think of it.

Tiffany: At the moment, I am working my way through the rest of the Entangled Covet books. They are so much fun! 

Bea: Thanks Tiffany for taking the time to answer my questions. Best of luck with your tour.


(I really like the colors of this cover! :D) 
Publisher: Entangled Covet
Series: Sons of Kane #1
Format: ebook
Release Date: May 27, 2013
Buying Links: Barnes & Noble | Amazon | ARe


  1. Thanks so much for hosting me today. Such a fun interview! :D

    1. It was my pleasure and I'm glad you enjoyed the questions.

  2. I actually ran out and bought this book as soon as I read the synopsis b/c it was just too much fun!!! And I must agree about Firefly!!! Yes Capt Mal!!! Great interview!!!

    1. I do like the sound of it and it's on my wishlist.

  3. I really enjoyed this book. Great interview ... I wouldn't let any family or friends read my book. I'm weird like that. :)

  4. Ah yeah this one is on my tbr list. Very nice interview ladies. LOL'd at looking your brother in the face at thanksgiving. How funny!

    Congrats on the release!

    1. Heh, yah I'm not sure how well I could look my brother in the face in her place. :D

  5. Haha, I'm with you on Nathan Fillion although I can't unsee him as evil priest from Buffy :) Great interview!


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