Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Excerpt from Wounded Angel by Stacy Gail

This is another busy week for excerpts and read-a-longs and today's is the first one. "Wounded Angel" is a new paranormal romance by Stacy Gail. A competitive figure skater from the age of eight, Stacy Gail began writing stories in between events to pass the time. By the age of fourteen, she told her parents she was either going to be a figure skating coach who was also a published romance writer, or a romance writer who was also a skating pro. Now with a day job of playing on the ice with her students, and writing everything from steampunk to cyberpunk, contemporary to paranormal at night, both dreams have come true.

Find Stacy online:



He took the bottle with a nod of thanks, and by the time she’d settled next to him, he’d downed half its contents. “Sorry about this.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”


That was that, then. “I’m not sure, but I thought I heard you call my name.”

“I don’t remember.”

“Okay.” She didn’t believe him, but she’d had enough nightmares to know there were some kinds of pain rooted too deeply to be tugged out in just one idle conversation.

That he was hurting was obvious; the light streaming in from the living area of the suite struck harsh lines in his face, underscoring the haggard restlessness she sensed prowling inside him. But even exhausted and strung out he was still the best-looking man she’d ever crossed paths with. She’d never known anyone with such an aggressively masculine jaw, now covered in the black shadow of a days-old beard. And there was something about those strong brows hooding intense eyes that had the ability to put a spell on any female over the age of consent. His body was pure centerfold material, fueling her dreams with a hair-roughened chest as thick as a cinderblock wall and a muscle-padded rib cage that made her fingers itch to learn his contours like a blind woman memorizing a statue through her sense of touch…

Those eyes were watching her as she took her time drinking in his savage masculinity. He wore the familiar sweatpants and nothing else, and she had a feeling he’d only slipped those on to sleep in out of respect for her.

Respect was overrated.


Publisher: Carina Press
Series: Earth Angels #3
Format: ebook
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: May 27, 2013
* affiliate link; clicking and making a purchase results in a small commission for the blog.

 Blurb from Carina Press:
Book three of The Earth Angels

A descendant of the Angel of Vengeance, Nate da Luca was gifted with an uncanny ability to find things. It made his job as a detective a breeze--until he learned the hard way that some things should remain hidden. After that, his powers vanished, along with his belief in himself. Which is going to make tracking down Gabriella Littlefield for his latest client a challenge.

Personal trainer Ella Little paid a hefty price for her life--now all she wants is to live it in peace. Then a sexy hulk of a man turns up in her gym, reigniting desires she thought she'd left behind along with her real name and hair color. Desires she can't deny even after she discovers Nate's no stranger to her dark past.

Before he can convince her the attraction is mutual, Nate's going to have to earn Ella's trust. But a demon is playing for keeps in the world of humans, using Ella as bait, and the last thing they have is time...

Go back to the beginning with Nobody's Angel, available now!

63,000 word 


Stacy will be awarding a $25 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour.

Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here:  http://goddessfishpromotions.blogspot.com/2013/04/virtual-excerpt-tour-wounded-angel-by.html


  1. That's such a fabulous ending to the excerpt.


    1. Heehee, I had fun with Nate and Ella, I'll admit it. ^_^

      I'm glad you enjoyed it, Mary!

  2. Stunning cover and a great teaser!!

    1. Thanks for saying so! The cover artist, Angela Waters, is an absolute genius, and worth her weight in chocolate. <3

      Good luck! :)

  3. I noticed this was book 3. Do you need to start in the beginning or can you join the series in progress without getting lost?

    fencingromein at hotmail dot com

    1. Oooh, good question! WOUNDED ANGEL can be read as a stand-alone, most definitely. *voice drops to a whisper* It's the 4th and final book, DANGEROUS ANGEL, that ties everything together, but don't tell anyone. It's a secret. :P

      Thanks for commenting!

  4. Nice excerpt, thank you.


    1. Thank YOU for dropping by to comment. Good luck!

  5. Thanks so much to Bea, Jax and Liz for allowing me to pop onto their blog to gab about WOUNDED ANGEL. Much appreciated, ladies! :D

  6. Very intertaining excerpt. I loved the comments about the book. I didn't realize it was a series.

  7. Glad someone asked about if the story was a stand alone and your reply to it. Really enjoying the different excerpts.

    strive4bst(AT) yahoo(Dot) com

  8. I love the cover and the book sounds great. Thanks for the giveaway.

  9. Sounds like a great read!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  10. Sorry for the late post. I’m playing catch-up here so I’m just popping in to say HI and sorry I missed visiting with you on party day! Hope you all had a good time!
    kareninnc at gmail dot com

  11. Oooh... this sounds good!!

    jennirv4967 at gmail dot com


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!