Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday Book Share #36


I'm participating in Feed My Reader Friday hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A WriterThe Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer, and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. These  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received, and different posts and events at their blogs. 

It's Mother's Day here in the US so to all of you who are mothers, regardless of where you live, I hope your family takes care of you and you have a wonderful day. My mother died thirty years today so I'll be out at the cemetery today, maintaining it and taking flowers. No plants, I can't keep plants alive so I take cut flowers and then I don't feel guilty when they die. Later I'll call my stepmother and wish her a happy Mother's Day. What are your plans?

The Week In Review


Clean Sweep ARC Challenge: I had a slower week this week. I read several books but only two that counted for the challenge and one of them took me several days; Playing Hooky and Targets of Revenge.   
Odd and interesting phrases that led to the blog: "how to catch a cat" remains popular  as does "and seclusion" :D; various wordings of "Nora Roberts releases" are also popular and there was a search for a book that I've never heard, "Reboot" by Amy Tintera. I've no idea why that led to my blog.
Coming Up This Week 

It's Children's Book Week starting Monday the 13th and running through the 20th. I'll be reviewing a children's book every day and I'm also participating in a blog hop. Check back tomorrow to enter the giveaway.


Bought - Print

It's a Kelley Armstrong book AND it has Norse mythology, how could I resist? I pre-ordered it months ago and have been waiting impatiently for it. I'll probably put a review up as part of Children's Book Week.

Review - Kindle

*pats the pretty* I loved the first two books so I have high hopes for this one. Sue G, an editor at Random, was awesome. I tweeted how I excited I was that the book was now available for review and couldn't wait to read it, and she immediately approved my request to review it. :)  <3

This is for a blog tour next month.

Review - Print

Kindle Freebies

I hope you all have a great week. Don't forget to leave a link so I can come visit.


  1. ooh Flirting with Disaster I want!! Have a good day today Bea. I am spending the morning with my peeps and then relaxing in the afternoon with a good book.

    1. I thought of you when I got it. :)

      Enjoy your day!

  2. I have Loki's Wolves as well and I really need to read it! I'm also still super curious about The City, so I'll keep an eye out for your review. :)

    My Sunday Post

    1. I finished it really early this morning; it was good!

  3. lol *pats the pretty* that was great ;)

    I'm terrible at keeping flowers alive too. With my gramps we were talking about getting some pretty fake flowers. There are some amazing ones these days where you can't hardly tell they aren't real.

    Hope you have a good visit with your step mama. My mom is about 500 miles away so I'll give her a call and call my grams too. Other than that I'm spending mothers day at a library book sale and turtle proofing the turtle pond because one of the herd babies keeps trying to run away from home. The neighbor caught her this afternoon thank goodness!

    Hope you have a nice mother's day Bea!

    1. I saw that your turtle had escaped and was found by a neighbor. Turtles are amazing escape artists. good luck!

      My mother's ceremony doesn't allow artificial flowers of any kind which is a shame because that option would be so much easier. Ah well, cut flowers are pretty.

  4. 'How to catch a cat' LOL. You are reviewing childrens books every day, yay, I'll be sure to come back and visit, I love childrens books. The Kelley Armstrong book looks great, hope you enjoy.

    BookishTrish @ Between the Lines

    1. I loved the Kelley book! I hope you will like my reviews.

  5. Happy Mother's Day to you. I have no plans as my mother's is taking a bus trip.

    Nice haul.

    dru's book musing: Sunday Post

  6. Flirting with Disaster sounds really good. Enjoy your reading!

    I'm going to try and get over to my parents house, but they are always on the go so I'm not sure my mom will be home. We'll see.

    Have a great week!

  7. I can't keep anything alive either...though I am going to try a small garden again this year...I'm a glutton for punishment! Have a great week and enjoy your new reads!

    Thanks for stopping by my Added to the Bookshelf post!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  8. Flirting with Disaster looks smoking hot! I still need to start that series! Oh, and I saw my goof up with my FREEBIES(Feebies), Deals & Steals post, silly me! LOL Thanks hun! Have a great week, and warm thoughts as you visit the cemetery.

    1. Yeah, sorry about that. Patti can be a grammar nazi. It's no big deal, we all make mistakes.

      The cover for Flirting with Disaster is smoking, isn't it? :D

  9. I'm sorry you lost your mother so young, Bea.

    I'll be peeking in through the week to see your Children's Book Week reviews. Have a great week, and thank you for stopping by my Sunday Post!

  10. Mother's Day's are still hard after 5 years of my mother being gone. But I have great kids so, that helps so much :)
    Enjoy your new books this week.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

    1. Thanks Jenea :) I have a pretty wonderful stepmom so that helps.

  11. Flirting with Disaster looks good, hope you enjoy. Brandi’s mailbox

  12. It looks like you've had a busy week on the blog, and that you have a great book haul. I'm trying to hunt down a copy of Loki's Wolves - I've heard really good things about it. I hope you enjoy all your books.

    1. I really enjoyed Loki's Wolves, I hope you do too.

  13. Flirting with Disaster looks like it will be a very sexy book indeed.


    1. It should be if previous books are anything to go by. :)

  14. Great haul! I can't wait to read these as well. I hope you enjoy them : )

    my Book Haul and Blog Birthday international giveaway

  15. Oh I love the cover of Flirting with Disaster! Great haul this week!

    Jennifer @ The Bawdy Book Blog

  16. Oh wow! Those covers got my attention for sure! LOL. Enjoy them all! Yum!

    Sorry about your mom. Today must be bitter sweet for you! :) :(

    1. It is but it hasn't been painful as I expected.

      Thanks :)

  17. So sorry about your mother. I hope you have a peaceful day and that you can enjoy some time with your family.

    You do have some great looking books! Loki's Wolves looks really fun :-) Hope you enjoy them all, and have a lovely week.

  18. Oh, do hope you have a lovely visit. It's hard, but nice to visit every year.

    Hope you love your new books when you get to reading them.

    Have a great week dear!

  19. The City and Aborad The Wishing Star both look really interesting and have cute covers, I hope you enjoy!

    My STS

  20. I don't do well with plants either, Bea. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  21. I love MG books so much. I was actually in a book store the other day and had to laugh that I purchased one in a shelf labeled for readers grade 3 - 6. Will be looking forward to your reviews next week.

    1. LOL I actually don't buy many MG books but I laugh at myself any time I do or when I buy a YA book.

  22. Aw, that's nice that you take your mom flowers. Great haul, Bea.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!