Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunday Book Share #35

I'm participating in Feed My Reader Friday hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A WriterThe Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer, and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. These  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received, and different posts and events at their blogs. 

The first week of May; I can not believe it. The year is galloping away from me. We're already working on end of the year conferences at school. Since one of our functions is as a daycare center, we're open year round but we offer a year end conference for all children every spring and summer. Before I know it, we'll be getting our year end reviews, whimper. 

The Week In Review

Meg the Egg by Rita Borg (am I the only one who thinks of ST:TNG when they see 'Borg'? :D)


Odd and interesting phrases that led to the blog: "how to catch a cat" remains popular; "asthma real lung" made me smile; "mad scientist" mwahahahaha

Clean Sweep ARC Challenge: 2 down so far :) Summer in Napa and Stuck in the Doldrums: A Lesson in Sharing. Now I'm reading Playing Hooky, review up tomorrow.

Awesome Link: I stumbled across a site where you can sign up, after paying a fee, to have your
OWN STAR TREK EMAIL ADDRESS!!!! *dies of the want* <3 I am such a ST geek, it's absurd. I want this, despite the fee and the hassle of changing email addresses. It might be worth it just so I can say I have a Star Trek email.  Oooo, I could use it as a junk mail addy so my regular inbox is not so full. Hmm..

Coming Up This Week

Blog Tours: Review & Tour wide giveaway of Playing Hooky by Rita Webb
Cover & Trailer Reveal of Losing Francesca by JA Huss
Guest Post by Lori L. Clark, author of Different Roads
Interview with Zoe Forward, author of Dawn of a Dark Knight

The Farm by Emily McKay (or it might be next week, depending on how the week goes)


Bought - Kindle

I had an awesome Smashwords coupon so I paid 99 cents instead of $6.99. :)

Review - Print

I have an ARC so the cover is slightly different. This is for a blog tour this summer.

Kindle Freebies

How was your week? Leave a link and I'll visit.


  1. Razing Kayne looks yummy. Woot on 2 books down. Are you doing the summer tour for Andre too? I am hoping they are good. Have a great week Bea! The Sunday Post

  2. Oh, The Blasphemer looks very interesting, Bea! Fab beginning of Clean Sweep for you, darling! I haven't even started mine yet. :) Happy Sunday and enjoy all your reads!

  3. I'm very curious Bella Andre's books. I've see her books around a lot, but I've never read one. I'll have to check her books out.

    Enjoy your goodies and happy reading :)

  4. $15.00 isn't bad for a email!!! Of course I'm dropping $ left and right these days to fix my blog so I'm a little numb right now :) And it's not like you'd have to "switch" anything, just use it for personal email, to keep family separate from all your subscriptions ;)

    Nice haul this week!! BTW - LOVING so much the look of your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so pretty I just want to pet it, you know, like a book cover!! Yes, I know I'm weird!!

    Have a great week!!!

  5. Great haul. Enjoy them all. Thanks for stopping by earlier.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  6. Cool haul. Hope you enjoy them all :)


  7. Very nice haul Bea like usual. You got to love the Freebies. Love the title of the Eve Langlais book. Enjoy all your new goodies.


  8. Looks like you have some steamy romance coming up! Enjoy!

  9. This year is going so quick, I agree! Can't believe it's already May.

    You got some intriguing looking books this week. Razing Kayne looks fun. :-) Hope you enjoy!

  10. Very nice haul. I grabbed Delicate Freakin Flower too :)

    Have a great week!

  11. Look of Love sounds good and hope you enjoy
    Brandi’s mailbos

  12. You have been busy! Lots of giveaways going too.

    Hope you have a great week this week!

    I too posted a Sunday Post, if you'd like to stop by...

  13. I have been wanting to read Bella Andre's books for the longest time, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I do have a few of her books on my Kindle.

    Have a great week!

  14. Good luck with the daycare review! That's so funny about the Star Trek email. I'm almost tempted to get one. And you have a great haul!

  15. It really is hard to believe it's May -- not only May but already almost a week in!

    The ST email address is incredibly tempting. Only two things are holding me back. One, I don't need another email address right now. And two, if I'm going to spend any money on internet stuff, it should probably be on blog design.

  16. I've read Delicate Freakin Flower... was a fun read!! Looks like you are having another super busy week!! Have fun ;)

    Thanx for visiting my StS and Sunday Post!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace


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