Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cat Thursday - Art or Destruction?

 Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict.

Toilet paper doesn't do it for Goof but paper towels or paper napkins? They are completely unsafe around him. :D If there's one left where he can reach it, he begins chewing, clawing and scratching. I confess, I've never thought of his work as art but I suppose it's possible. More likely, it's his prey instinct coming out though what the appeal of "killing" paper might be I don't know.

Do your cats go after any paper products? Do they make works of art for you?


  1. LOL...I'm more likely to believe the killing aspect vs "making art" !

  2. Bwhaha cute. Yep mine LOVE paper towels. Jeremy is my paper towel attacker. Not sure if it's the prey thing for him or it just feeeels good. lol. He's so cute when he does it. If they weren't so expensive I'd let him have rolls more often.

    1. I occasionally give Goof a sheet to play with. Heaven help me if I leave the roll where he can get it!

  3. I have quite a few pics of my kitty doing the same thing! Love!

  4. Haha, caught in the act! I love that he's using all of his available tools, both teeth and claws, to produce his "art".

    Mine aren't interested in paper but live for stealing hair elastics and destroying all hair clips.

    1. Hair clips? That's different. Hair elastics I can understand, that's like string and rubber band made into one glorious cat toy. :D

  5. OMGosh! This looks familiar!

  6. Love that pic! Thankfully neither of my cats ever had the urge to shred.

  7. Our Calico, Remmie, can't be trusted with anything paper. Newspaper, toilet paper, paper towel... I was working on edits and had to tear my papers away from her. I didn't think my editor would accept the excuse, "The cat ate my homework."


    1. Snort, this editor would. :D I had a guinea pig who had a paper fetish. I had to be sure not to leave any paper near her cage where she could pull it in and chew on it.

  8. Arya had a brief fascination with the paper towel holder and the paper towels themselves (the stand up kind of holder), but I think my Mom scared the life out of her so she hasn't done it recently.

    Besides that though, ask me what she doesn't mess with? LOL!


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