Monday, May 6, 2013

Blog Tour Review of Playing Hooky by Rita Webb

Publisher: Amazon Digital Services 
Series: Paranormal Investigations #1
Format Read: Kindle Book
Source: Gifted from the author in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: January 1, 2013
Buying Links:  Amazon  Barnes & Noble 

Blurb from goodreads:
Valentine’s Day.

And my 21st birthday.


Just another college day full of classes and more homework than is humanly possible.

…until Jason, my best-friend-since-kindergarten, shows up to take me out for the day.
Like old times: the two of us on a wacky adventure, playing hooky from real life. With his lopsided grin and tickets to a circus full of misfits and monsters, he introduces me to a whole new world—one full of magic and mystery—and turns my reality upside down.

Except nothing goes as planned, and we end up running through the city to find a missing siren before someone brews a love potion with her blood.

Sirens and love potions, witches and elves, and Valentine kisses. Nothing will be the same for me again.

229 KB

Bea's Thoughts:

This was a quick, light, fun read and I'm looking forward to more in the series.

Emma and Jason have been best friends for years, since they were little children. They enjoy the same adventures and share a stubborn nature. They are also attracted to each other but neither has worked up the courage to admit it. Emma is afraid that if things go wrong, she'll lose not only her boyfriend but her best friend while Jason has hesitated in part due to a big secret. Now, he shares part of that secret with Emma and she handles it well. A little too well actually, it should have been more of a life-changing event. But, even as little children their adventures included hunting for imaginary things so Emma is primed to believe.

I figured out early on who the villain was and I'm also pretty sure I know who/what Jason really is. If I'm right, that could make for some very exciting stories. I really enjoyed the world building, the characters, and the humor. It's a short story, or maybe a novella? I'm not always clear on the distinction, but either way it's short and a fast read. On the one hand, I appreciate that Webb didn't pad the story as some authors are prone to doing; on the other hand, a little more fleshing out would have been good. Still, it was a good story, well written, interesting and fun. Go pick up a copy.

To see quotes from the book, go here.



Webb is giving away two beaded bookmarks and some additional prizes, enter using the rafflecopter below. Open internationally.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Aaaaw, thank you so much for all the wonderful things that you said about PLAYING HOOKY! You made my day!

    With more to come in Emma & Jason's world, I'm hoping to bring the full experience a longer story will give you. We will still have to find out what Jason is, how Angelina ended up on the path she chose, and what Emma is going to do with her newfound exposure to the paranormal!


  2. Quick and fun is always fun, gald you enjoyed

  3. Ahh I love the best friends to lovers theme. Sounds like an interesting one. I do like a novella now and again especially if it's done well. You've got me curious about his secret too! I'll have to add this one to the tbr list.

  4. I absolutely enjoyed Playing Hooky :D Here's my Review


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