Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday Book Share #34

I'm participating in Feed My Reader Friday hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A WriterThe Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer, and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. These  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received, and different posts and events at their blogs. 

Welcome! If you haven't visited for a few days, you'll see I've redecorated. The designer and decorator was Rachel at PJ Designs and she was wonderful. She listened to everything I said, asked questions, and patiently answered my questions. I can happily recommend her to anyone thinking about redesigning their blog.

It was another busy week, both in real life and on the blog. I took Friday night off from all obligations and read a book for fun. Today I have to finish reading some submissions to my pub and give thumbs up or thumbs down to purchasing and publishing them. My allergies have been mild so I've been enjoying having my windows down on the warmer days. I like spring, summer not so much, so I am enjoying this weather. I do wish my apartment had a balcony or patio or some sort of outside access. Goof is still enjoying sitting in the window, face pressed against the screen. :)

The Week In Review

News & info:  New Look!  
Penguin Books presents "Read Humane" Books in Support of Pets


2 Hardcover copies of A Murder at Rosamund's Gate by Susanna Calkins and a $40 gift card for a total of 3 winners.

$50 Amazon Gift Card or PayPal Cash, ends April 28th 

2 Ebook copies of a backlist book in the Always a Marine series by Heather Long (winners choice of book), ends April 29th.

$5 eGift Card to the eBook retailer of the winner's choice, ends April 29th

A 7 inch Kindle Fire OR $100 Amazon Gift Card OR $100 Paypal Cash, ends May 5th

Over $1000 in Amazon Gift Cards from author Stephanie Lisa Tara, ends May 10th.

Kindle Fire from author Stephanie Lisa Tara, ends May 31st, 2013

The Week Coming Up

Blog Tour - Interview with mystery author Victoria Hamilton 
Excerpt from the Blood Destiny series by Helen Harper 
Blitz & Giveaway for The Haunting Season by Michelle Muto


Review - Kindle

I hope to get this read in May but it might be summer before I get to it. One of my fave authors, Julie Campbell, has a story in it, and it has DRAGONS in it. How could I resist?

These are all summer reviews, July and August.

Review - Print

I won the first book but it went missing before I could read it so it'll be a while before I get to this one.


I won this from the author, Kaylea Cross, and Book Chick City

I also won a $10 Starbucks Gift Card from romance author Angela Adams, not to be confused with romance author Angela Addams, who has been a guest here and several of whose books I've reviewed. I took a pic but Blogger refused to upload it. 

How was your week? Leave a link and I'll come visit. 


  1. Huge fan of Heather Long. I also got the Laura Kaya for Review for an upcoming tour.

    Heather ~ My Sunday Post

  2. Wow. Lots of steamy books this week for you. I hope you enjoy your new books. I really like the cover for the Laura Kaye book.


  3. Lovin those man candy book covers *waggles eyebrows* I already told you I love the new design, but I'm going to tell ya again
    -->It's fantastic<---The colors are so appealing together. Enjoy your week and hopefully the allergies will be mild this year-but I know better I'm sure they will be worse..I've only had a few sneezing fits, and wake up with a little sniffles, so far, but our trees are still bare with only a few flowering right now, so soon we will be slammed, and don't get me started with the grass cutting....ahh choo! :) Have a great week, Bea!

  4. I haven't read any of the new books you picked up, but the Last Execution has really caught my attention. I like the cover.

    Annyway, enjoy your books, and happy reading :)

  5. Bea, I'm thrilled to see The Last Execution is scheduled for review! And to see my book cover there next to Melissa and Laura? You made my day. Thank you.
    Have a great Sunday!

  6. New design! Love the new look! :-)

    Wow, that's a lot of fantastic looking giveaways! Different Dragons looks fun, and have heard a lot of good things about Shadow of Night. Hope you enjoy them, and have a lovely week! :-)

  7. These are really great looking books. I have an eCopy of Shadow of Night, really need to read it. I loved the Discovery of Witches. Enjoy....

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  8. Covergasm galore! LOL. I've been meaning to read something by Deborah Harkness, but haven't gotten around to it yet. I can't wait to read your thoughts on this one!

    Toni @ My Book Addiction

  9. That is an absolutely fantastic new look, Bea! WOOHOO!!! Rachel is fab at what she does. I'm so glad you worked with her :))) Really hope you read Deborah Harkness soon, Bea. I adore her books! Happy reading!

  10. Technical strike looks good. I hope you enjoy
    Love the new looks by the way
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  11. wow you have some yummy new covers this week..i am looking forward to all the reviews, and i love Harkness, so hope you find book one! The Sunday Post

  12. Reading for fun? What's that? :P I'm surprised my son's allergies haven't started. Usually he gets them pretty bad, but hasn't at all yet. Nice haul and yay for wins!

  13. Hey Bea. Now I stopped last week and didn't mention it as I wasn't sure. I know now, I am sure. Lookin' good! You made changes to the site. :)

    Hey, hope you enjoy your books and have a great week.

    I too posted a Sunday Post, if you'd like to stop by:

  14. Lots of stuff going on here!! You've got some nice eye~candy to read...yay!!

    Thanx for visiting my StS and Sunday Post!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  15. I like the redesign, Bea! I loved Shadow of Night; the combination of Diana and Matthew and the Elizabethan era was delicious, and it revealed a lot more about both of them, particularly Matthew. Enjoy!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!