Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Book Share #33

I'm participating in Feed My Reader Friday hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A WriterThe Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer, and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. These  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received, and different posts and events at their blogs.

This was such a looooooong week. Not only did I have a lot going on at work and personally but then the Boston Marathon bombing happened. I live in a Boston suburb and knew someone running there; he was okay, thank goodness. On Thursday, the suspects shot a cop and on Friday morning, some cities were locked down. Several of my co-workers including my boss were in those cities and couldn't get to work, and one was a close friend of the murdered cop. I am very glad that it's over now and we can get to healing and rebuilding.

The Week In Review 

Reviews:  Alpha and Omega Cry Wolf: Volume 2 by Patricia Briggs, et al (Graphic novel, Urban Fantasy, Romance)
Prophecy Girl by Cecily White (YA, Urban Fantasy)
Odd and Unusual Phrases Leading to the Blog - "images petite models adult explicit", "when you wish upon a fish book"; still popular, "how to catch a cat" and also still popular for reasons unknown to me, "and seclusion". What is up with that one?

The Week Coming Up

Blog Tours - Review & Giveaway of Whiskey Tango Foxtrot by Heather Long (Romance)
Review of Murder at Rosamunde's Gate by Susanna Calkin (Historical mystery)
Cover Reveal for Breaking the Reins by Juliana Haygert (Romance, New Adult)


Review - Kindle

I'll review this during Children's Book Week next month; I'm reading it now.

Review - Print

Kindle Freebies

After several weeks of behaving myself with the freebies, last week I indulged again. Oh well, they're free and take minimal space. :D

Don't forget to leave a link so I can visit. May you have a peaceful, book-filled week.


  1. I'm glad you and your runner friend are okay. That was a crazy 24 hrs fri.

    I haven't heard of any of those books. Don't you just love Kindle freebies though? lol My Sunday Post

    1. Thank you.

      Yes, I do indeed love those Kindle Freebies. :D

  2. The Mist Torn Witches looks interesting, and I totally have been trying to slow down on the freebies...but, I think I'm addicted *shrugs* Could be worse things to be addicted too, I suppose. :D Have a fantastic week!

    1. Yeah, the Witches book looks very promising, and you're right, there are much worse things to be addicted to for sure.

  3. Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry you've been caught by all this and my condolences to your friend :(
    I am secretly craving your paperback pile - it's got so many shiny lovelies! I really want them myself, especially the Havoc Machine and The Bronze Gods.

    1. LOL Somehow, I thought you might like my print pile. :D :D If you were closer, we could share. Oh well.

      It was a hellish week and more so for my co-worker. I don't understand people like that. :(

  4. What a terrible and stressful week for you indeed. I hope you take time to heal. Your paperback pile is very nice and got to love those Amazon freebies.


  5. Haven't heard of these books yet, but I hope you enjoy reading them all :)
    Stacking the Shelves
    Check This Out! :)

  6. Wow, you had a busy week! I think I need to slow down some, it's getting a bit to crazy around me. ;) But looks like some great new books too. I so want A.A. Aguirres book! :D

    If you'd like to stop by, I posted a Sunday Post as well...

    1. Heh, you were posting here at about the same time I was at your blog. :D

      Lots of people want the Aguirre book :) I'm looking forward to it.

  7. It is definitely going to take time for healing.
    Enjoy your new books, and your week ahead.

    Thanks for stopping by
    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Suday Post

  8. Dark Wolf looks good. So sorry for the tough week, I can't even imagine.
    hope you enjoy your books. Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  9. It was an awful week and hopefully everyone can get start the recovering process. Terrible!

    I hope this week is good for you.

  10. I'm glad your friend the runner is all right. Such a horrific event, and the subsequent manhunt and lockdowns have to have been stressful, too. Our thoughts are with you; I wish you (and all those in greater Boston) healing and peace.

    Enjoy your books this week! I always find reading very restorative when I'm stressed.

    1. Thank you Lark!

      Yes, reading has been helpful. Books are my haven.

  11. I'm enjoying the turtle book so far except for all the stuff the copy editor missed.

    I'll definitely have to check out your tour psot for Bronze Gods. :)

    It was a rough week but I'm hoping life will get back to normal now. Thanks.

  12. How scary. My son is a runner, and a whole group of his friends were there and had just passed the finish line when it happened. Some of them are still a little shook up from it. All of it is so sad.

    Well, you definitely got some interesting looking book this week. Hope you enjoy them. :)

    1. Oh my, I'm glad they are okay. I can imagine they're still shook up. That's not something they'll soon forget.

  13. I am glad your friend is unhurt.

    Great Freebies! I entered a couple of your giveaways.
    New GFC Follower, BBMoreB

    Heather ~ My Sunday Post

    1. Thank you, and thanks for the follow too. Good luck in the giveaways!

  14. Happy reading Bea!

    My STS

    Have a great week!

  15. Wow!! Lots of awesomeness up there!! Enjoy them all!!

    Thanx for visiting my StS and Sunday Post!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace


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