Friday, April 5, 2013

Review of Loose Ends by Lucy Felthouse

Publisher: Resplendence Publishing
Format Read: PDF
Release Date: January 2013 (This is an edited and revised version of a previously released title.)
Buying Links:  Barnes & Noble  Resplendence Publishing

Blurb from publisher:

When Jonathan and Lauren met at University, it should have been the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Sadly, it wasn’t to be, and Jonathan became ‘the one that got away.’ Years later, at a University reunion, Jonathan shows up unexpectedly throwing Lauren into turmoil. The pair start talking, and soon all the old feelings come back. But will this time be different, or will their mutual affection continue to be unrequited?
**Publisher's Note** This is an extensively edited and revised version of a previously released title.


Bea's Thoughts:

Well, this was super short. The PDF was only 20 pages so I expected short but that 20 pages includes the cover, the credits page, about the author, etc. so that the story itself was only 11.5 pages. In those 11.5 pages we get a college reunion, a lost love, a second chance with the lost love, friends to lovers,  and a sexy love scene.

Jonathan seems like a decent enough guy but I wish we'd been given more of a reason for Lauren's crush and enduring interest in him. In the flashback scene where Lauren meets him, we're told about his physical attributes but we're not given insight into what else may be appealing about him other than a reference to his sense of humor. When we meet him, he's polite, friendly and funny but again, I didn't see why Lauren was so attracted to him. Still, Jonathan comes across as a good guy, Lauren is likable and when they both realize that they are single at the same time, they grab their second chance, and eight plus years of longing comes to an end. The ending is a Happy For Now. 

Felthouse's style is sharp, with just enough attention to detail, and fast paced. I liked that she didn't try to tie up all the loose ends but left the ending open; a definitive happy ending would have weakened the story. "Loose Ends" is short, sweet and fun to read.

I received a PDF from the author for review.


  1. This sounds like it could've been a lot better with a bit more fleshing out, esp what made Lauren so attracted.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

    1. I think it could easily be lengthened or maybe she'll do a follow up. It's an enjoyable story and perfect for when you need a quick read.

  2. It sounds like a possible moment in someone's real life. Not easy to write about, and harder to capture in explosive detail. :-)

    1. It really is a slice of life story. I'm sure it was a challenge to write. I enjoyed the story, but it left me wanting to know more.

  3. *whispers I am suppose to be unplugged but just stopped in while the hubs changes* This sounds good but not sure I would buy an 11 page

    1. I thought I saw you sneaking around on twitter. :D

      It is a short short story but I think you'd enjoy it. Maybe if it goes free?


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