Friday, April 26, 2013

New Look!

Well, as you've noticed, the Nook has a new look. I'd been wanting something different for a while but none of the Blogger themes were quite what I wanted and I wanted some functions, such as drop down navigation, that weren't available and I lacked the ability to do myself.

I poked around a bit and decided I liked Parajunkee's designs. She asked me lots of questions about what I wanted and I asked her lots of questions, which she patiently answered.

As you can see, some stuff went missing. Blogger decided it didn't want to play nicely and Rachel, Parajunkee, saved what she could of widgets and links. I'll be slowly adding back in the missing ones and moving things around but this is a good opportunity for me to do some cleaning and sprucing so some things might not come back. If you find you miss something, let me know and I can look at adding it back.

There's a new button so grab that if you want.

I'm so excited, I love the new design. I hope you do too.

*bounces around the room*


  1. It looks awesome Bea;) Rachel does lovely work ..enjoy

  2. I really like your new look and don't worry before you know it everything in your blog will be back in place ;)

  3. OM Gosh! I Love it! I love the colors, design, and overall layout! It's bold and eye-catching! Fantastic look, Bea!

  4. Very nice, I'll have to wander around later! :)

  5. I love your new look. Easy to navigate and clean and easy to read.

  6. How cute! I love it, Bea! I've been wanting to change my blog too.

  7. Congratulations! Parajunkee does great work, always, you made a great decision. Making a change is a lot of work, but I'm sure you'll be happy with the results for a long time to come.

  8. Phew, I'm glad people like it. :) I hoped that would be the case. I'm very happy with it. I'm slowly adding things that went but trying to make it less cluttered than it was before. I tend to be a hoarder. :D

  9. You know, blogger seems to be a pain these days. I've really thought about converting all together to wordpress...but I'm so scared to do so. *sigh*

    You are looking great!


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