Wednesday, April 3, 2013

March's Reading Challenges Wrap Up

I'll put up a wrap up post every month or early the next month for all of my 2013 reading challenges. Some books, I posted reviews on the blog, some are on goodreads, there may be one or two without reviews, especially books I edit or that are put out by my publisher.

I had mixed success in March with my challenges. In addition to my regular challenges for the year, I participated in Kimba the Caffeinated's Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge. I focused on books for that challenge during March. For the results of that challenge, see here.

Book Chick City's 100 Books in 2013

For this challenge, I am not counting any children's books, unless it's YA, nor am I counting books that I edit. I am also doing goodreads' reading challenge and I'm counting everything for that one, but not tracking here on the blog. :D

1. The Body in the Boudoir by Katherine Hall Page
2. Blood and Fire by Shannon McKenna
3. Written in Stone by Ellery Adams
4. Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger
5. Holiday Buzz by Cleo Coyle
6. Drop Dead on Recall by Sheila Webster Boneham
7. Clan Rathskeller by Kevin Hearne
8. Baked Alaska by Josi S. Kilpack
9. A Test of Mettle by Kevin Hearne
10. Along Came Trouble by Ruthie Knox

Total to date: 28

Cruisin' Through the Cozies Reading Challenge 2013 - Goal 13 or more 

1. The Body in the Boudoir by Katherine Hall Page 
2. Written in Stone by Ellery Adams
3. Holiday Buzz by Cleo Coyle
4. Drop Dead on Recall by Sheila Webster Boneham
5. Baked Alaska by Josi S. Kilpack

Total to date: 9

2013 Ebook Challenge - Goal 25 

1. Clan Rathskeller by Kevin Hearne
2. Baked Alaska by Josi S. Kilpack
3. A Test of Mettle by Kevin Hearne
4. Along Came Trouble by Ruthie Knox

Total to date: 14

Just For Fun Reading Challenge 2013 - Goal 1 A Month 

1. Clan Rathskeller by Kevin Hearne

Total to date: 3

Not too shabby, I'm chugging along and getting books read. I'm currently 7 books behind on my goodreads reading challenge but I have time to make those up.


  1. You are working through the challenges. :) I didn't do any this year as I've had other plans and trying to do things. Well, I do have one challenge I guess...the Goodreads reading challenge. :)

  2. Last year I cut back on challenges but this year decided to attempt more. I read regularly so goodreads and BCC were naturals and I read a lot on my kindle so the ebook one was a natural also. The cozy mysteries one was a last minute addition and since I do read those often I figured I'd go for it. I may or may not succeed but I'm having fun trying. :)


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