Thursday, April 18, 2013

Cat Thursday - Bad day?

Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict.

After the events of Monday at the Boston Marathon (just up the highway from me), I thought some cute kittens and cat lovin' might be in order. I am very glad that I didn't go into Boston on Monday as I had thought about (I remembered that it was Spring Break and the traffic that brings and decided against it).

Need a hug?

Or a box?


  1. That top one is really cute.

  2. Awww! So cute and much needed after Monday's tragedy.

  3. Those are adorable! I love the photo of the two cats hugging. I think we all could use a hug like that after this week, especially those in Boston and Texas who were effected by the explosions.

  4. Goodness, it must be scary for that to be so close to home. My thoughts are with all of your "neighbours" affected by the bombings. The kitties are very cute.

  5. So sweet! The situation is so scary. The city is current in lock down mode as they chase down the other suspect. I just hope he doesn't inflict any more damage before he's caught.

  6. Between Boston and Texas, it's been a crazy, scary-ass week. Everyone go snuggle your cat!

  7. cute. Those two kitties hugging were precious.

  8. Aw very cute. I love when they hug like that. Glad you are safe and sound Bea!!

  9. The hugging kittens are almost diabetically cute but they were too perfect to pass up.

  10. Thank goodness you didn't go! It must be even harder to have it that close to home. Thanks for sharing the cute comfort. Kitties make everything better. =O)


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