Friday, April 26, 2013

Anachron Press is Looking for Reviewers

Have you ever had a hard time convincing a publisher to send you a book to review? Did you know that publishers often have a hard time getting reviewers to agree to review one of their books? It's even harder for a small press to convince reviewers to review their book. Anachron Press, publisher of fantasy, science fiction, horror, thrillers, and weird tales, will send anyone a free ebook in any format in return for a fair review. The review can be on your site/blog, Goodreads and/or Amazon. This offer applies to any book in their catalog.

Print copies can be expensive for a small press, so they can only offer an ebook. If you like small presses and want to see more independent fiction, lend them a hand if you can. Don't see anything that appeals to you? Maybe you know someone who might and you can share this information with them.
To get your review copy of anything in the catalog, email Colin Barnes, and tell him what book you'd like to review and your email address. You can also sign up to join their roster of reviewers.
I'm not affiliated with Anachron Press in any way but the owner is an acquaintance of mine. I also like to see smaller presses make a go of it as it gives readers more books to read and a wider variety of books to choose from.


  1. Sounds good! A great chance for bloggers yes.

  2. Thanks for letting us know. I'll take a look. :-)

  3. Awesome. I hadn't heard of them either. I signed up to be on their list. Maybe I'll see something I'm interested in reviewing.

  4. I haven't heard of them but its always great to help out the smaller publishers, it's also wonderful of them to provide us bloggers with their books so its win/win :-)

  5. Hi Bea,

    Thank you very much for posting this, that was most unexpected and very kind of you. For anyone who would like a free ebook in return for a review (could be just goodreads/amazon, not necessarily a blog) then please don't hesitate to contact me (Colin) from here: letting me know which of our catalogue you would like, and I will email you the ebook (formats for all readers).

    Thank you for signing up to our newsletter, Diamond. We send it out relatively infrequently so as not to spam anyone. Usually they're sent for new releases or promotions.

    Kind Regards,
    Colin F. Barnes

  6. Hi Colin, thanks for visiting. As you know from out facebook chats, a lot of what you publish isn't to my taste but I'm always happy to help spread the word. I'm glad the post has generated some interest and I hope it helps.

    Thanks to everyone for posting and sharing the information. I hope those of you who do review will find books and authors that you enjoy.

  7. I haven't heard of them either, but I took a look and signed up for the list. I always like to find secret jems in indie publishing. Thank you, Bea!

  8. I love the idea of supporting smaller publishers especially in light of impending mergers. Everyone wins if more books are published. Thanks for sharing this information!

  9. As someone who really LOVES fantasy and scifi, I feel like I HAVE to check them out! Thanks for this! :D


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