Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday Book Share #25

I'm participating in Feed My Reader Friday hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A WriterThe Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer, and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. These  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received, and different posts and events at their blogs.

Hello from the snowy northeast area of the US! For the third weekend in a row, Mother Nature has seen fit to dump snow on us. I'm really not feeling the love for Mother Nature right now. At least it's a good excuse to curl up the couch, snuggle with the cat, edit, read and watch TV.

Speaking of the cat, you may have noticed that he's much more prominent now. I played around with the picture I had up there, which was much smaller. Now, instead of being too small, he's too big. Sigh. I'll leave it as is for now and keep fiddling on the laptop until I get it a better size. Although, it was a reasonable size when I previewed it. Grrrr.

Anyway, it was a quiet week on the blog and this week will be also. I'm putting in more hours at school and finishing up some edits for deadline. Deadlines are evil. Just sayin'.

The Week in Review

Reviews:  Frost Burned by Patricia Briggs (urban fantasy) (Buy it, read it! <3 )

Spotlight:  Baked Alaska by Josi S Kilpack (cozy mystery) (my review goes up next month)



I won this in the recent blog tour she did. I now have 3 out of 4 books in this series.


I saw this in the Carina newsletter and immediately went to Amazon and bought it. :)

Kindle Freebies

Astraea Press Freebies

Who could resist that face? :P

The free books continue until the end of the month, 2 books free every day. Check their blog for the coupon codes.

Remember to leave a link to your sharing post in the comments.


  1. Very nice haul Bea. I like the cover with the Collie on it. My old dog was a Shetland Sheepdog. So that cover brings back fond memories. Who doesn't love freebies. I love the freebies.


    1. I was always a Lassie fan and I still think Collies are beautiful.

  2. Nice haul. I love me some freebies. I managed to stay away this week though. Not sure his though, there's always next week. Lol... Happy reading.

    Thanks for stopping by
    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

    1. LOL I hear ya. I could get more reading done if I didn't have to work. :D

  3. OMG, that's lots of freebies, Bea! :)) I hope you enjoy every single one of them. I also hope your snowy weather will change soon to something warmer. Take care, hugs! x

    1. I am definitely ready for warmer weather! And more reading time. :D

  4. I haven't gotten to Frost Burned yet, I will have to go check out your review :) Great book haul this week, happy reading! Book Savvy Babes

    1. I hope you like the review. It was such a good book.

  5. Stay safe in the snow!
    I like the cover for Nightfall and will watch for your review.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

    1. Sadly, I can't review it as it's published by my employer. The cover really caught my eye and drew me in, I hope the story is as good.

  6. A lot of people got Close to you this week and it sounds really good, I also like the cover of Nightfall. Enjoy all your new goodies

    Emily @ Falling For YA

  7. Yuck. I hope the snow leaves you alone soon. Aw,, your cat looks so cute though! Hope you enjoy all of this good looking books!

    1. Thanks. I think he's a cutie but I'm biased. :P

  8. Sent me the photo and I will try and make you a nice header for you and the little guy. We have been dumped on and frozen too..i want my flip-flops now! Wow another great haul for you, I look forward to your reviews of them! The Sunday Post

    1. Really? That would be wonderful, thanks. <3

      I'm definitely ready for warmer weather and fewer layers.

  9. Savage Winter looks like a great read! Enjoy your books and thanks for stopping by!

  10. I wait for the day when Frost Burned will arrive


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