Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Book Share #24

I'm participating in Feed My Reader Friday hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A WriterThe Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer, and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. These  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received, and different posts and events at their blogs.
It was a long week at work, I'm really looking forward to having Monday off for President's Day. We still have lots of snow on the ground and are supposed to get more tonight. I'm very ready for spring! At least the days are staying light longer; I don't like all the darkness winter brings. 
It was busy on the blog last week, lots of blog tours and other events. This week should be quieter, though I do have some interviews lined up with romance authors Jessica Scott and Rachel Brimble, and maybe a giveaway or two. Be sure to stop back and join the fun!

The Week In Review

 1 ebook copy of "Summer Spirit" by G. Jay, ends Feb. 20th
$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash, ends Feb. 22nd
5 signed paperback copies of "Finding Justice" by Rachel Brimble, ends Feb. 25th 


It was a quieter week for books, thank goodness. :)

Kindle Freebies

Astraea Press Freebies

Don't forget, they're giving away 2 free books every day this month. Check their blog daily for that day's free book and coupon codes.

Have a great week, stay safe and warm. Don't forget to leave a link to your sharing post.


  1. I like that is staying light longer now. My kids can play outside longer which makes them happy. Nice haul. Hope you like them. :)

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

    1. That extra sunshine is wonderful. Thanks and have a good week.

  2. WOW, huge haul, Bea! I hope you have some rest and enjoy all of your reads this weekend. Don't work too hard, sweetheart, put your feet up and enjoy doing nothing! hugs x

    1. Doing nothing - one of my favorite things :) Thanks, and you relax too!

  3. You did have a busy week! I love Jessica Scott, I'm looking forward to seeing her. :) Thank you *so* much on the heads up about Astrea - I didn't know about this one at all!

    1. Jessica answered a ton of questions for me, it was great! I hope you like the interview. Now go get those Astraea freebies! :D

  4. Look at all the freebies your scorin'! I have such an addiction to freebies! I'll never read them all, but it's so hard NOT to pick them up. Have a great week!! Enjoy, the snow We are getting blasted w/another 3/6 today!

    1. YES! That's it exactly :D

      We got about 3 inches of snow last night, on top of the 2 feet we already had. I'm ready for spring. I hope you didn't get much.

  5. Nice haul! I see a bunch of freebies that I've already gotten and some new ones! Enjoy them!
    Here's my Sunday Post :)

    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

    1. I just looked at your page and I want your book haul :D I'm downloading some now. :)

  6. I do keep forgetting to check Astraea's blog! (Not that I need more freebies ;p )Have a great week Bea!!!

    1. GO CHECK! You may find some you want and for free, how can you go wrong? :D

  7. I enjoyed Rally Round the Corpse. I downloaded alot of those freebies, too. Enjoy!

  8. Ooh that WAS a busy week wasn't it! Some great posts :-) And lots of very intriguing looking books too! :-D

    Hope you have a great week, and happy reading all these lovelies!

  9. I hate the darkness of winter. And I hate coldness. Hope you enjoy your day off and your new books.

  10. I am in FL so we didn't get any snow but it did get oddly cold here. I am with ya on not having to work on presidents day I just want to be lazy. I hope you enjoy your books and your day off. Sending warm weather your way.

    1. Lucky lady! Sometimes I wish I were in Florida.

      *settles in to enjoy reading in the warm weather*

  11. Great the net stole my post, seconds are never as good.
    So...freebies, yay, I have tried to cut down on my addiction ;)

    1. Agh, that's frustrating.

      I like to think there are worse addictions to have but cutting down is probably a good idea.

  12. Lovely haul and I want all of your Asterea books. Enjoy all of your new lovelies! The Sunday Post

    1. Those ones aren't free any more but you can still purchase them and they're reasonably priced.

  13. I'm really curious about The One You Love - let's hope it's a good one! :)
    Great haul, B! Hope you enjoy all your new books and have a nice week!


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