Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday Book Share #15

I'm participating in Feed My Reader Friday hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A WriterThe Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer, and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. The  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received and different posts and events at their blog.

The week was going pretty well up until Friday afternoon when I checked twitter on my afternoon break and heard about the mass shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut, almost thirty children and adults dead. I truly do not comprehend how or why people commit these crimes. It put a pall on the rest of the day and my co-workers and I had to be careful not to discuss it in our classrooms. My heart goes out to all of the families affected.

The tragedy took some of the joy out of my going to see "The Hobbit" Friday evening but once the movie started I was able to enter into Middle Earth and enjoy myself. I didn't love it but I did like it. It's much darker than the book, which I didn't enjoy.

The week in review

Cover reveal: Timespell by Diana Paz


It was a very, very light week for books. I downloaded one kindle freebie, a cookbook sampler, didn't buy any books, or get any from the library.

Won - Kindle

I won this from the author on twitter.

Review - Print

Wishing peace, health and happiness to you and yours.


  1. Ah that is right, you saw the Hobbit. hmm it's darker? The Hobbit was pretty dark already..eep. Nice haul, enjoy your day Bea! The Sunday Post

  2. I'll watch the Hobbit sometime next year, probably, but.. how much darker? o.o

    Patricia // My Week

  3. I pray that senseless violence stops everywhere! Merry Christmas Bea!

  4. The same to you, Bea! *hugs*
    Unfortunately a lot of people are selfish and self-centered and concentrate only on themselves, that's why abominable tragedies like that happen. The culture, the society cultivate that selfishness and sense of entitlement. When some people think they didn't get what they "deserve" - they retaliate. Well, I'll better shut up now.

    Lots of love to you, and I hope you enjoy all your bookish goodies, sweetheart!

  5. Light weeks are sometimes for the best...we have a small chance of catching up! PS I hope to check out The Hobbit next week!

    my Added to the Bookshelf post!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  6. Wow. The tragedy that happen in CT is terrible. I still am crying about it. You got some very nice books. Light weeks are good weeks.


  7. I can not imagine the pain these families are going through. My heart goes out to them.
    Nice haul. Happy reading.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's The Sunday Post

  8. Bea you got so many awesome books! I hope you enjoy them. I never download cookbooks. I really need to start because my cooking is.. um...well it usually takes place in the microwave. :)


  9. Light book weeks are good. Hopefully it will give you a chance to catch up. What you received looks awesome and it looks like you were busy on the blog.


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