Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sunday Book Share #14

I'm participating in Feed My Reader Friday hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A WriterThe Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer, and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. The  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received and different posts and events at their blog.

Happy Hannukah to everyone who is celebrating!

I am not nearly as ready for Christmas as I need to be. I keep looking at my to-do list and it's not getting noticeably shorter. Somehow, it will all get done but I had hoped to be more organized this year. Two weeks from today I'll be driving down from Massachusetts to Virginia to spend Christmas with my parents and siblings. In good weather and easy traffic, it's about an 8 hour drive so I figure it'll take me about 10 hours. 

This Friday I'll be booking it out the door at work at 6PM to go see "The Hobbit". Any parents who are late picking up their child will find them dressed and sitting in the parking lot. Just kidding, but I will be eyeing the clock anxiously as I won't have much time to get to the showing on time. I have high hopes for the movie and I can hardly wait.

Also, I'm looking to sell my old kindle. It's a gray keyboard model, with both 3G and wifi. It comes with a skin (or I can keep the skin) and a black leather cover with a light. If you're interested, email me at

Whew! Busy week. Now, onto the...



Decadent Publishing has a weekly book club on facebook and I won this from the author in last week's discussion. 

Review - ebooks

Yes, I failed in not requesting new review books. Somebody kick me please.

Kindle Freebies

Have a great week and don't forget to leave a link to your post.


  1. 10 hour drive in one go! I hope you have a safe a quick journey, Bea!
    I hope you enjoy The Hobbit :) and I also like the look of Fierce Reads. Happy Sunday, sweetie and Happy Reading! *hugs*

    1. It's a long drive but not a hard one. I'm just hoping for good weather. I got the Fierce Reads books off of Amazon, they may still be free.

      Happy Sunday!

  2. Ooh, you have some fiery hot books in your book haul this week! I am horrible at picking those out, but love them when I get my hands on a good one.
    I drive from where I am in AL to where I am from in NY at least once a year. 21 hour drive and I always do it in two days. When I get there, I am half dead from exhaustion, so I know it can be tough. Keep safe out there. Happy reading!

    1. Oh boy, that's a long drive. I bet you're exhausted afterwards.

      I have a few fiery reads that I didn't list; they're fun to read.

      Have a good weekend and happy reading.

  3. The Hobbit is on my must see list too. You'll have to let us know how it was!

    You know how you could add an extra layer of torture on that eight hour trip? Disco road tunes. I'll start putting together a mix tape for you this afternoon. ;)

    1. Better hurry so it arrives before I leave. :D

  4. I picked up some of those freebies, as well.. hmm I did miss a few of those steamy ones!!

    Have a great trip, and enjoy all your #HOT goodies ;)

    1. Thanks :)

      Heh, I actually have a few more than I didn't post :D

  5. YAY for The Hobbit!'ve got so much going on as well as so many great books this week! Happy reading!

    Check out my IMM & SP.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

    1. Yeah, it's a busy month all around. I'm looking forward to catching my breath ijn January. Have a good week. :)

  6. You are cracking me up today!!! I have to ask, do you go thru New York or around?

    And I will NOT kick you - you must get books - you only got a few, the rest are freebies!!! It's all good!! Although I say that everyweek ;)

    Have a great holiday and if I miss ya, drive safely....

    1. Kristin, I don't go through NYC; I go I87, so much easier.

      But please, kick me! My review TBR pile is insane!

  7. Nice haul this week. We will be staying home this year for Christmas. That is a long drive... Have a great week..

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's The Sunday Post

  8. WOW. Lots of awesome books this week. Great haul. Some of your books look very spicy.


  9. O.o what a nice naughty haul! I cannot wait to see the Hobbit, so jelly! You are right somehow the list always gets done, even if we are completely exhausted by the big day.
    Have a great week, and parents get your kids on time! The Sunday Post

    1. Kimba I ordered my Hobbit tix back in early November :D Bounce Bounce

      You're right, the list will get done and I'll be exhausted. I was hoping to avoid the exhausted part this year, oh well.

      Have a good week. :)

  10. did have a busy week! Hopefully the next two weeks will be a bit calmer so you can prepare for your drive!

    1. Thanks Melissa; I'll need to look carefully at my schedule and see what I can eliminate.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!