Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Giveaway & Spotlight - Toying with Temptation by Madison Martin

Today I have an excerpt and giveaway from a contemporary romance, "Toying with Temptation" by Madison Martin. Madison is also the author of Briefly Yours: An Erotic Romance Novel, Nights on Catalina, The Deep End: Erotic Stories For Women, and The Deep End 2: Wedding Night. To find out more about Madison, visit http://www.madisonmartinbooks.com/.


“Trust me. I never thought we’d be in this…er, position.” Hailey Burton smoothed her hands over the skirt of her brand new Armani suit to keep her hands from shaking. Quinn Matheson could never see how nervous she was. She wouldn’t let him. It would add further humiliation to her unfortunate circumstance, and she felt humiliated enough.

Quinn, the King of Matheson Toys and the picture of confidence, silently appraised her from behind the huge oak desk in his office.

“I mean, we’ve been in every other posi—” She coughed before she finished a sentence that could get her in big trouble. Whatever “positions” she and Quinn may have found themselves in ten years ago, it was too long ago to matter now. Wasn’t it?

She stiffened her spine and felt herself growing hotter by the second. A trickle of sweat began to run down the small of her back. Why fight it? Her brand new, one-of-a kind suit, bought for a special occasion, was headed straight for the cleaners.

Why did she think this would be easy? Why did she think she’d have the upper hand? And why was Quinn sitting there staring at her, refusing to say anything?

He watched her with calculating dark brown eyes, noticing every time she fidgeted or said something stupid. It was beginning to drive her crazy.

“Are you going to say something?”

He shrugged. “It’s your meeting.”

In her eight years of experience, she’d met with and given presentations to presidents and corporate execs from companies all over the world. She always acted with cool confidence in situations that made tough men sweat, and not one minute of it ever fazed her.

What did faze her was sitting here in front of her ex, begging for tens of thousands of toys for her company’s first Christmas toy drive in five years.

Christmas was beyond the limits of her expertise. In her entire life she’d celebrated maybe one or two. Last year, she’d spent the holiday on a conference call closing a deal with a company in Hong Kong. The year before that, she’d been in New York collecting leads for a new account. Her boss knew Christmas was out of her league, but he also knew she never gave her projects less than a hundred and twenty percent, and he’d saddled her with the toy drive despite her protests.

If the promise of moving up the Tryton Financial Institute corporate ladder weren’t waiting for her at the other end of this, she’d have told her boss to forget it. But as usual, the desire for success was stronger than…well, the desire for anything else.

Stronger, even, than the will to never see the man she’d run out on ten years ago. As much as she never thought she’d have the guts to look him in the face again, that promotion was staring her down…waiting. Begging for her to come and get it.


Toying With Temptation
Author: Madison Martin
Publisher: Chances Press
ISBN: 978-0981718644
Release Date: November 1, 2011
Genre: Romance, Contemporary
Length: 188 pages, 310 KB
Format: paperback, ebook
Buying Links:  Smashwords   ARe  Barnes & Noble   Amazon

Madison is giving away 10 eBook copies of "Toying With Temptation" (1 each to 10 winners). Contest is tour-wide, open internationally, and ends Dec 17th. Must be 18 years of age or older to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi Bea, Jax, and Liz! Thank you so much for hosting me on your fabulous blog today - it's great to be here! :D


  2. Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to read this book. It sounds really good. Tore923@aol.com

  3. I am looking forward to reading TOYING WITH TEMPTATION. It looks fabulous.


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