Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Excerpt from Hot Winter Kisses by JoAnne Kenrick

It may be cold and gray outside (depending on where you live) but this post should warm you up. "How Winter Kiss" is part of JoAnne's sexy but sweet 1NS series with Decadent Publishing. I've read the first book and the other three, including this one, are in my TBR pile. I'm saving them for a cold, yucky day when I can curl up on the couch and enjoy!

Born n bred Brit, JoAnne Kenrick grew up in a wee sea-side town in North Wales and has enjoyed a variety of vocations such as holistic healer, window dresser, and ghost tour guide. Having lived in Wales, England, and Scotland with her dear family, she finally escaped the dull British summers to reside in sunny Australia. After two years, they moved to the States where she endured three harsh winters in Minnesota. She now lives in North Carolina with her husband, two kids and two puddy cats. When they aren't demanding her attention, or jumping on her head, she strums away on the keys of her little laptop, creating worlds and adventures she could only ever dream of. Come across the pond and faraway....with JoAnne Kenrick! www.joannekenrick.com

Get exclusive sneak peeks at her new and upcoming releases by signing up to her quarterly newsletter here: http://tinyletter.com/joannekenrick


                                                               Excerpt - PG/13

Digging out the treat the staff had bought her for her trip, all wrapped in hot hunks printed gift paper, she grinned. She’d promised to wait until she’d arrived at the castle before opening her surprise, but if not for the ferry delay and the bus strikes, she’d be snug by the fireplace already. By her calculations, present time had come and gone. She ripped that baby open and found a gift only good friends would think to buy her.

“An e-reader!”

They’d included a card, on the front of which a very sexy Santa hung up a fishnet stocking over a cartoon fireplace.

Now you’ll be able to carry those sexy stories around with you wherever you go, without your grandkids ever discovering those smutty covers! And to ensure your holiday is romantic, we’ve stocked your reader with books from your favorite series. One is about an Irish castle owner. Wink, wink. Oh, and talking of romance, tucked into the cover is another present to ensure your Christmas is one filled with joy.

Happy holidays! Your wee family from Bell’s.

Sandra thumbed around the cover and found what looked like an invitation. She opened the envelope and cringed. A 1Night Stand date. Hell’s bells. Had to be Devlin’s idea, the cheeky sod. Her co-worker always teased her about her reading habits at work. Yup. This trickery had Devlin written all over it. Insensitive bastard.

“Sandra? I’m from Ballygalley, here ta give ya a ride ta the castle. Bloody good job the barman recalled seeing ya. I’d never have found ya tucked way back here.”

A man loomed over her, his face shadowed by a knit hat pulled down to his temples; a hint of dark ginger peeked through the wool.

He rubbed his hands together then blew on them. “Let’s get a move on, shall we?”

Christmas lametta tinsel from above reflected across his smoldering, indigo glare. His brow furrowed and a glint of impatience flickered in his eyes. He rubbed at his stubbled face, and she could have sworn she heard the gentle sweep of thick whiskers brushing his palm. Her ex used to do the same thing when he was deep in thought. A tightening in her throat stalled her.

“Not got all night.” He pulled out her chair, nearly knocking her flying.

Hot Winter Kiss 
Author: JoAnne Kenrick
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Series: Irish Kisses #4; 1NS
Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Erotica
Release Date: November 30, 2012
Format: eBook
Length: 305 KB

Book Blurb (from author):

Hot winter kisses to warm broken hearts….

Sick of tending to everyone else’s needs around the holidays, divorced barmaid and granny Sandra ferries it from London to Belfast. All she wants for Christmas is some peace with a romance story in front of a roaring fire in a remote Irish castle. What she gets is a most unexpected Christmas present from her friends at Bell’s—A 1Night Stand with a young Irishman.

Can she hack it in the real world of romance, or are life’s complications and treacherous snowstorms best left to the pages of a book?

Newly widowed Ardan Draighean owns Ballygalley castle. Once run as a hotel with his late wife, the stone building now serves as a home for him and his son. After hearing about Madame Eve’s matchmaking skills, he contacts her in search of the perfect match. Although much older than him—by fifteen years—Sandra is his ideal woman. He be damned if he’ll let a good story get in the way of his happy ever after with her.

Hot winter kisses are all this couple needs to stay warm this Christmas, but will the heat stay long after the magical season of mistletoe has finished?

GENRE: contemporary romance
CONTENT: May to December / Tinsel Play / Irish Castle / Snowed In / Holiday Romance


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