Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday Book Share #10


I'm participating in both The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer, and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. Each meme allows book bloggers the chance to share books they've received, and different posts and events at their blog.

Last week went by quickly, how is it Sunday again already? We got some snow this week, about on an inch of it, heavy and wet. Happily it melted in a couple days. I'm not ready for winter yet, then again I never am. :D I had a checkup with the main doctor on the surgical team and she's excited, quite optimistic about its effects. She thinks that my quick recovery from the asthma attack a few weeks ago is a sign that the procedure is working. :)

Cover Reveals:  Hidden Gates by D.T. Dillin

This week I have several spotlights, an excerpt and giveaway, a guest post, and reviews. I'm very excited about the excerpt and giveaway; the author J.A. Campbell is a friend of mine and I've been waiting for this book, "Summer Break Blues", for a year now. Be sure to stop in on Friday, read the excerpt and enter the giveaway! Also, if you want to be part of her blog tour, send me an email,



I'm so behind on the Elder Races series; I need to catch up so I can read the book I won a few weeks ago.



I won this from the author in a giveaway on the wonderful Kimba the Caffeinated's blog

Kindle Freebies:

"Waking Up Married" is a pre-order, it won't land on my Kindle until December 1st. I bought "The Negotiator" because of the blurb and despite the cover. I really dislike that cover, though the purple is pretty.

Kindle freebies are crack, my crack certainly. :D

I hope you all have a good week. Don't forget to leave a link to your post in your comment.


  1. Diana Rowland is one of my favorite authors, I prefer her other series, but the zombie books are hilarious. The second one is a bit gruesome though, just to warn you, she really does not hold back when it comes to describing the inner workings of the human (or the zombie) body.

    I'm really excited to see what you think of it, hopefully you will do a review :).

    1. I enjoy her demon series but I really liked the first zombie one. Thanks for the warning about the gruesomeness, I can get squeamish at times. I'm not sure if I'll do a blog review, it might be a goodreads review.

  2. I picked up Naughty is Nice, and Dangerous Secrets, also! SNOW! Aww, I wish we got some down here :( I miss seeing that white stuff...That's awseome news from the doc. fingers crossed that it stays that way!!

    1. I will happily send you my snow. ALL of my snow. :D After leaving the doctor's office I was practically bouncing; the doctor was so happy.

      YAY, we got the same books.

  3. BEA, this is a very nice haul of books. Diana Rowland is one of my favorite adult authors. Hope you enjoy your books.


    1. Thanks Grace. I enjoy Rowland also, she's very good.

  4. Ahaha, Bea, they are definitely crack! I'm trying to stay away from them. Enjoy all your books, sweetie! ;)

    1. Kara, you have done great at staying away from them. Your willpower is impressive!

  5. Wow what a sweet haul. Did you link up? I look forward to your review of Naughty or Nice. thanks for sharing your news on The Sunday Post

    1. I linked up at noon my time but it seems to have disappeared so I linked up again.

  6. Bea, the Vaginal Fantasy group started by Felicia Day is reading "My Life as White Trash Zombie" as their main pick this week. You might be interested.

    1. Amy, I got that from the library too so I don't have a copy but I'll definitely look into that group, thanks.

  7. I love the library books :D You sure have a great library!

  8. Nice haul! Ah, I still need to read White Trash Zombie. Can't believe I haven't yet.

  9. You really got a lot of good books this week! Some of these I've never heard of before though.

    Check out my IMM & SP.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know


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