Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday Book Share #5


I'm participating in both The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. Each meme allows book bloggers the chance to share books they've received, and different posts and events at their blog.

This has been a busy week on the blog and I finally feel like I'm back in my groove. School is settling down, I'm not perpetually exhausted any more and I'm even healthy, well what constitutes healthy for me. :D

Reviews: Ashen Winter by Mike Mullin (a must read!) 

 Giveaways: Banned Books Week Blog Hop (now ended)
Until There Was You by Jessica Scott 10 copies, ends 10/13
The Recruit by Monica McCarty 1 copy, ends 10/13

Review Books


This is such a good series; it's dystopian YA and wonderfully written. I have both books in eARC and in hardcover. Now I just need Mike to come back this way so I can get this book signed too.

Kindle Freebies

Leave a link in your comment and I'll pop around during the week.


  1. I hope this week will be just as good :)
    Nice freebie loot

  2. Awesome haul Bea. I have to read Ashfall, then Ashen Winter. Come visit me as well.

    1. The funny thing is that I'm not even a dystopian fan nor do I read a lot of YA, but these books are just so damn good. Long, often dark, but so. damn. good.

  3. Looks like you've had a pretty awesome week. I haven't read Ashfall or Ashen Winter, but they're both on my TBR list! Maybe one day I'll get around to them.

    Check out my IMM & SP.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

    1. Hi Sandy, welcome. I strongly encourage you to move the Ashfall books higher up the pile. But make sure you have no other commitments before you start reading, you will be busy reading for hours!

  4. I am curious about them all, and look forward to your review of Pretty Witches in a Row..sounds scary! Awesome week! The Sunday Post

    1. I'm not sure when I'll get to that one, it might be a while.

  5. I'm glad things are settling down for you :) Love all your kindle freebies, I'm a sucker for them. happy reading- Book Savvy Babe

    1. Thanks :)

      Yes, kindle freebies are downright dangerous, but so hard to resist. :D

  6. Great haul... I still have to read Ashfall, it's staring at me. i love all the Kindle freebies.. Happy reading...

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  7. Oh wow, great freebie haul! Happy reading. :)

    My SP

  8. Great week! I liked your ashfall review and I'll have to check it out now! Here's Ours


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