Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Interview & Giveaway with Romance Author Samantha Kane

My guest today is erotic and romance author Samantha Kane. She's stopped by for a brief chat and to give away a preview copy of her upcoming book, "The Devil's Thief", an historical romance. Samantha  lives in North Carolina with her husband of fifteen years and three children, two boys and one girl. She spent seven years as a high school history teacher before becoming a full time writer and mom. Ms. Kane has a Master's degree in American History.

She loves to hear from readers, so don't hesitate to  email her.


Bea: You have a Master’s degree in American history, how important is historical accuracy in a historical romance?

Samantha: This is a really good question, and one all historical romance authors have a different opinion about. I'm of the opinion that yes, it does, but exceptions can be made for the good of the story. It is fiction, after all. But if you try to change historical dates or events, then it becomes alternate history. So the gray areas of history--customs, speech, dress--can be altered to fit your storyline, or to make the story more accessible to a modern reader, but don't tell me George Washington was at Waterloo.

Bea: Using a tweet format, tell us why we should read your next book, "The Devil’s Thief".

Samantha: A sexy romp through Regency London. Steamy love scenes, great dialogue, unforgettable characters, and devilishly gorgeous rakes. Only $2.99.

 Bea: What is the most romantic anyone has ever done for you? How would you define romance in real life?

Samantha: Confession time: I am quite possibly the least romantic woman on the planet. I forget anniversaries, I really hate getting flowers (who wants to watch them die?!), I'm PDA phobic...well, you get the picture. My husband, on the other hand, is a big romantic, poor guy. So he keeps trying, lol. But he knows the way to my heart. On our honeymoon he surprised me at dinner the first night with tickets to a St. Louis Blues hockey game. I nearly cried I was so excited. Real life romance? When my husband offers to take the kids somewhere on Saturday afternoon so I can write. And the fact that he doesn't make me mow the lawn, ever. (I LIKE her husband! ~ Bea)

Bea: If you could be a character in a book, which one would it be, and what part would you play? (Romantic lead, sidekick, etc)

Samantha: I'd be the married, wise-cracking, comic relief best friend of the heroine. I'd love to be in Nalini Singh's Psy-Changeling series.

Bea: I see on your site that you’re a member of S.W.A.G., the Steampunk Writers and Authors Guild, but you haven’t published any steampunk. So, why join? Are you working on a steampunk story?

Samantha: I've co-written a western, alternate history steampunk romance with Mari Freeman called Engine Number Nine. We're hoping to have it published next year. It takes place in 1869 in an alternate American timeline, where the United States is still relatively small, and fighting both Mexico and Britain for domination of North America. The hero, Ryder, is a yankee veteran of the Civil War with a clockwork arm, and the heroine, Lucy, is a secret agent for the U.S. posing as a Harvey House waitress with her team of female agents in Texas, as Mexico and America are getting ready to join the first trans-continental railroad. And, of course, I love to read steampunk, as well.

Samantha is giving away one digital copy of "The Devil's Thief" via NetGalley. The preview expires after one month so don't delay in reading it!

Excerpt from The Devil's Thief.

Enter via the rafflecopter widget.

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  1. Thank you so much for a fantastic book giveaway, that i would love to have the oportunity of reading. I adore historical fiction and romances, that bring the facinating past to life. What i love most is the chivalry and the reserve that men and women displayed in years past, when they were courting and trying to marry. Dancing, talking and cursying was the closest they ever got to physical actions towards the oposite sex, making romance beautiful and just so elegant! Today sadly not much is left to the imagination. x

    Email: lfountain1(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk

  2. I love my HEA! My favorite have strong feisty woman and flawed rouges they tame. I want a strong, captivating plot, well developed characters and a nice steamy side of romance.
    kimbacaffeinated at gmail dot com

  3. I enjoy historical romances because they don't showcase the weak, woe-is-me female--but instead, show the soft and vulnerable side of strong and sometimes stubborn women. I also like the tough guys who go all mushy inside and try to keep it hidden. ;)

    nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com
    Thank you for the opportunity to win The Devil's Thief!

  4. I love historical Romance and when there is action in it than even better.

  5. Reading historical romances is pure escapism for me - I love history as well, and I love the little insights into people's daily lives.

    jochibi AT yahoo DOT com

  6. I don't know what it is about historical that I love so much. Probably part because they were the first romance genre I ever read, so I love them above all despite reading several other genres now. Part could also be that I love the fashion. I wouldn't necessarily want to have to dress that way daily, but I would love to play dress up for a while. And the scandal, of course. I can't imagine what the scandal monngers would think of what is considered "normal behavior" these days. Likely dissolve into a permanent fit of the vapors. LOL Thanks so much for the great giveaway!

  7. I love historical romances that make me really live the setting. It's so interesting to see the past through the eyes of the characters and remember that historical figures were people just like us!

  8. I love history, so historical romances aren't too much of a stretch. And Regency (or earlier Georgian, depending on my mood) is my favourite! Love the Mr. Darcy style males, and my favourite is a good reformed rake with an almost-on-the-shelf, possibly slightly bluestocking-ish heroine.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!