Monday, October 15, 2012

Giveaway! Kissing Under the Mistletoe by Marina Adair

The holidays are coming and so are the holiday books, especially Christmas ones. Author Marina Adair has one releasing tomorrow and she's giving away two copies to celebrate.

Book Blurb (from goodreads):

Regan Martin stopped believing in Christmas miracles six years ago when she lost everything—her house, her job, and her impeccable reputation in the wine industry—after she fell in love with a man she had no idea was married. Then Regan gets a chance for a fresh start in the Napa Valley. With her dream job, dream home, and her daughter enrolled in a wonderful new school, she starts wondering if holiday wishes really do come true.

But she soon tumbles back down to earth when she learns that her new boss is none other than Gabe DeLuca, the scorned wife’s brother. Gabe wants nothing more than home-wrecking Regan Martin out of his life, his sister’s world, and his family’s business. Mostly, he wants the lush beauty out of his head. Yet his attempts to run her out of town have him thinking twice, especially when he sees that Regan may hold the key to tracking down his sister’s stolen start-up capital. Even worse for Gabe, Regan might just be his Christmas wish and hold the key to his heart.

Kissing Under the Mistletoe (A St. Helena Vineyard Novel Series #1) 
Author: Marina Adair
Publisher: Montlake Romance
ISBN:  978-1612185859
Format: Kindle, paperback, audio
Length: 310 pages,
Release Date: October 16, 2012 
Buying Links: Amazon
Author website & blog

Marina is giving away two paperback ARCs and she will mail to the US & Canada. Enter using the rafflecopter widget.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love Christmas and I am a total sucker for holiday themed reads! Thanks so much!

  2. Christmas is my favorite holiday. I enjoy spending time with my family as we put up decorations and cook the holiday meal.

  3. My favorite tradition is my sisters and I drinking Baileys while wrap presents, getting sillier and sillier as the afternoon goes on.

    jochibi AT yahoo DOT com

    1. I think any tradition that involves Baileys is a great one!

      Thanks for dropping by and sharing!

    2. Bailey's! An excellent tradition. :)

  4. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I even start decorating on Thanksgiving evening. Yes, I am that person. lol... Our favorite tradition is of course putting out milk and cookies with the kids that they have helped bake and decorate.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

    1. We decorate the tree on Thanksgiving too! Well,the day after. While everyone is out shopping we go buy a tree and then spend the day decorating it!

      Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Christmas is definitely my favorite winter holiday. I love all the traditions and decorations.

  6. I love putting on the christmas music, drinking hot cocoa and decorating the tree!

  7. Decorating the Christmas tree

  8. Making a new homemade ornament every year with the kids. I loved doing this with my granny when I was young and started it with my children when they were old enough to do it as well!

    1. When my daughter was in preschool they taught her how to make Popsicle stick ornaments. She is almost a teen and every years there is still a good baker's dozen of Popsicle stick Star of Davids on our tree ever year. Homemade ornaments are the best.

      Thanks for sharing.

  9. I love helping my mom in the kitchen prepare for the holiday feast. Usually it'll be a day before but for some special desserts we may have to start making the goods a couple of days in advance. It's fun to plan out what we want to make and go shopping for the groceries.

  10. Opening presents on Christmas morning is my favourite holiday tradition.


  11. My favorite tradition is playing Christmas music all month long! I especially like my Charlie Brown Christmas CD. It captures childhood memories. I also like watching the old Christmas specials, like It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street and A Christmas Story. :)

    1. We watch a Christmas Story every year. It is one of my favorite movies! Thanks for sharing.

  12. Christmas is my favorite holidy. I like opening presents.

  13. Just as an FYI, it is spelled "Diwali" :)

    Thank you for including it though, not a lot of people do.

    I miss spending Diwali at home with my family, unfortunately this year I actually have a presentation for my Inn of Court scheduled for that day. I like that my entire family would take that time together to pray and to celebrate and be grateful for everything that we have been given.

    1. I've seen it spelled both ways; I thought it was like Hannukah and it's variations. Thanks for letting me know. I hope you'll get to spend some time with your family.

  14. Putting up the tree and decorating! Thanks for the chance to win!

  15. I love Christmas and my favorite tradition was as my Grandma's house when i was younger and all of us cousins and family got together to eat and open gifts! This sounds like a great read and thanks for the chance to win!

  16. My favorite tradition is when we go to Christmas Eve service as a family and then go home and open presents.

  17. I love are family Christmas traditions, but I really enjoy New Years Eve when the whole family goes bowling and can just have a good time and the stress of the holidays are finally over.

    1. Bowling on New Year's?That sounds like so much fun!

  18. Christmas eve dinner is our favorite tradition.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  19. Putting up the Christmas tree is probably my favorite tradition. There is a ritual to it and it always is symbolic of the start of the holidays for us. Taking the tree down ends the season. ~ June Garden_Lady33 (at) comcast (dot) net

  20. Opening Christmas presents w/the family. ;)


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