Thursday, September 27, 2012

Banned Books Week Giveaway Hop


This is my third year participating in I Am A Reader, Not A Writer's blog hop for banned book week. That's hard to believe, my blog had it's second blogooversary early this month. I am amazed that it's lasted so long. It's a lot of work at times.

Banning of books has also been around a long time, just about since books were first printed. Someone, somewhere can find a reason to object to a book, and then go as far as banning or trying to ban it. Here are some links on the history of banned books:   A Look at the History of Book Banning in America - PBS        Banned Books Throughout History     History of Banned Books and of course, the American Library Association's info about banned books.

The ALA's observation of Banned Books Week runs from September 30th through October 6th this year. From their site:
Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Typically held during the last week of September, it highlights the value of free and open access to information. Banned Books Week brings together the entire book community –- librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers, and readers of all types –- in shared support of the freedom to seek and to express ideas, even those some consider unorthodox or unpopular.

Banned Books Week is sponsored by the American Booksellers Association; American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression; the American Library Association; American Society of Journalists and Authors; Association of American Publishers; Comic Book Legal Defense Fund; the Freedom to Read Foundation; National Coalition Against Censorship; National Council of Teachers of English; National Association of College Stores; PEN American Center and and Project Censored. It is endorsed by the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress.

I had hoped to highlight a banned or challenged book every day of BBW, but wasn't organized enough. I will try to get some up as I'm able. To celebrate Banned Books Week, I am giving away a banned or challenged book from Amazon or The Book Depository, winners choice, worth up to $10US. Click here for a list of banned or challenged books. Enter using the rafflecopter widget below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. No, I think everyone has a right to decide for themselves what they can read. If you don't like a book, review it where everyone can see, not ban it.

    1. Yes, exactly. Reason out, but don't ban.

  2. No, I don't believe anybody has the right to ban others from reading a book, regardless of it's content. I believe parents should stay informed on what their children are reading, and should decide whether or not they feel the subject matter is appropriate for their own child's age, and more importantly their maturity level. But they don't have the right to take that material away from everyone. If a person finds a book inappropriate or offensive, then they should simply stay away from it.

    (Nikki Marie on rafflecopter)

  3. No. Books are for reading, all of them. Not one reason is a good reason for banning a book.

  4. I think the golden rule should be that if your parents, or even better your grandparents, would read it without being repulsed by it then its ok to read it.

  5. No. I believe there is a reader for every book. As much as I personally hate some books, that doesn't mean that I have the right to stop others from enjoying them.

  6. it's not okay to ban or censor someone else's thoughts. even and especially if the book has thoughts you don't agree with. you don't want to be censored yourself, so why do it to others? just DON'T buy and read the book. simple.

  7. No,people should be able to read anything they want.

  8. No, I think if you don't like it or agree with it, don't read it!

  9. No, I don't. It you don't want to read it, that's fine. They should always be available for those who do.

  10. No I don't think books should be banned. Everyone has different tastes in reading. Parents just need to monitor what their kids read.

  11. No I do not. I understand that parents have the right to choose what they want their child to read, but they do NOT have the right to make those choices for other parents.

  12. No. Feel free to put a parental advisary/content label on it, but don't ban it.

  13. No, I don't. And, I don't see a point in it. If they don't want us to read such books, they would also have to forbid us to leave homes, watch television, listen to radio, use internet... It is good to learn that not everything in this world is so shiny.

    Marijana Sitar

  14. I definitely do not think it's ok. If a young person or anybody is willing to sit and read a book or if they show any interest in reading, they should never be turned away from it. Reading should always be encouraged in all it;s forms.

  15. I think some kids aren't ready to read some books, buti don't think they should ever be banned.

  16. No, no one has the right to say what you can or can't read.

  17. No, I don't I think its up to us to decide what is good for us and our children, regarding what we read.

  18. No I don't think so. If it offensive to you, don't read it. Parents should decide for their kids.

  19. I don't think it's ever right to censor or ban a book! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

  20. No I don't think that's ok, everyone has the freedom to share their imagination and write it down to create a book for others to read.

  21. I don't believe in banning books yet there are books that it might not be good if it fell in the wrong hands like "Anarchist Cookbook". That book has recipes for explosives. Now I suppose that it would take very long a person to get the same information on the Internet. So in that case, I would not be opposed for a system of notifying the FBI of large purchases of an ingredient in the recipe in order to protect the public.

  22. no i don't think its okay, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com

  23. For the most part no. But we have to make certain exceptions. Like, no one should be allowed to publish military secrets, etc.

  24. No, I don't. I think it's okay to monitor what we read and what our children read, but to not allow other's the same choice is wrong.

  25. No I don't it's okay to ban a book for any reason. It is up to the reader to decide whether or not a book is suitable for themselves. I think it is however up to parents to monitor what their children are reading because some topics are not age appropriate.

  26. No. Free speech is free speech. Thanks for the giveaway.

  27. I don't think they should be but I do think a warning should be placed on the covers as to sexually explicit or violent they are. Often, I buy a book that looks okay and then when I start reading it, I have to put it down.

  28. I don't believe in book censorship. If you don't like a book, don't read it. Don't ban it from others enjoyment. Especially for a few words of profanity.

  29. Absolutely not, I believe that if someone thinks a book should be banned, they should just not read it. It's not like they have to.

  30. I don't think it's okay to ban a book. If you don't like a book, then don't read it.

  31. Absolutely not. We should be able to read what we want.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  32. Freedom of Speech is Freedom of Speech. We don't always have to like everything that is published. If I am offended in any way, I don't read it. People have the right to express themselves freely.

  33. No, it's called freedom of speech. We can't walk around every day on our toes trying not to offend anyone.

  34. No book deserves to be banned! If you take offence then don't read that book!

  35. No,I don't think it's okay to ever ban a book.It's our right to decide what we should and shouldn't read.

    Thanks for the international giveaway!!

    Rafflecopter name - Rosemarie D

  36. Ban NO - censor for young children by parents YES

    Mary P

  37. Banning books is never okay. People have every right to read whatever they want.

  38. I think people should have the right to choose not to read something of their own accord.

  39. I think everyone should be able to read whatever they want.

  40. I think no has the right to tell you what you can and can't read unless you are under 13 and then that is the parent's choice but the book shouldn't be banned in general just parental supervision! Like there is for explicit music and tv shows and movies there is a warning. After that age and the teen is in middle school and high school they have the right to read about the world around them!

  41. Not at all. I think putting suggested age ranges or disclaimers about content on books, similar to films, but in no way should I think books should be restricted to a certain audience or no audience at all.

  42. Banning books sucks. :/ In what century are we living? :/

  43. Honestly no. I understand restricting books for age purposes, but no totally banning them.

  44. I am very fond of freedom of speech and freedom of choice, so no, I don't support banning books. It does not solve anything.

  45. No, I don't think that banning or censoring books should be allowed. We should have the right to choose what to read, or what our kids read.

  46. No, I don't think we should censor or ban books; the ones who believe in being free will keep fighting to do what they want and READ what they want. Literature is a way of expression and can move people, that's why it's such a dangerous thing. But anyway, I believe the banning and censoring of many books have helped to raise its popularity and call the attention of many readers!

  47. No, for me it's not okay to ban or censor a book. Everyone has to have the right to choose for themselves whether they will read something or not. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  48. Absolutely not. I don't believe in banning books.

  49. No, absolutely not!
    I don't think it's right to censor a book!
    One person is able to choose a book that will read or not.

  50. It's not okay. Everyone should be able to read the books they want to read. Except for children.

  51. I think books shouldn't be banned. If you want to know the content of the book, look up reviews and parent ratings. Just because the book is at the library or in the store doesn't mean you have to read it. We all have the choice to say "No, I'm not going to read that book."

  52. Absolutely not! Everyone has a choice on what to read. Offensive or sensitive material can be censored at the person's own discretion, but no one has a right to tell others what the can or can't read. =)

  53. I don't think books should be's dangerous

  54. No i dont believe it is ok
    jenhedger at hotmail dot com

  55. I don't support banning books, if there's a book that revolves around a sensitive topic or makes you uncomfortable then you have every right not to read that book but a person should not try to infringe on another person's right to read whatever they choose. Thank you. :)

  56. I don't support it. Books produce very important views on the world, and if someone believes that they will object to that view, they simply should not read it.

  57. Never! If you don't like a book, don't read it!

  58. Thank you for this giveaway! Now for the answer: No, I do not think that people should ban books. That is something out of the middle ages. If you don't like the book, or don't agree with the message of it, don't read it. But, to tell other people you can't read it, it's ridiculous. :)

  59. I don't think it's ever right because I think that people are capable of censoring themselves.

  60. No, I don't think it's ok. Everybody has the right to make their own decisions :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  61. no, absolutely not!

    thanks for the giveaway!

  62. no, it's not ok.

  63. No, I guess the freedom to express your feelings through literary is being hindered.

  64. No, it's not okay. We should have freedom to read whatever we want.

  65. I dont think its right to outright ban any book, people should be able to choose what they want to read.

  66. Hi Bea. No. It's not okay. It's our freedom to choose what we want to read. anyway, I don't really care if they ban a book or not. If I like the book, I will find a way to read it :D

  67. No, I don't think it's okay to censor or ban a book. If a person or a group of people don't like the book then I think that it's their responsibility to avoid it. If they don't want their children to read it, it's their responsibility to teach their children in the ways they want their children to follow. Everyone has the right to decide if a book is something they'd want to read or not, it's not something that someone else gets to decide for anyone else.

  68. No. It's never ok. I may have an opinion about a book, but I have no right to inflict it on everyone else :)

  69. No, I don't think it's okay, but I would consider banning a book that was non-fiction and concerned with terrorism or something, for example 'how to build a bomb and kill people in 5 easy steps'. I'd be quite happy to ban that one.

  70. No, I don't like censoring books. I think it's OK to guide your children when things are too much for them, but if they are insistant, I'd like to read it too and discuss it with them.

  71. I can understand schools deciding to not put certain books on mandatory or even optional reading lists - especially if we are talking about very young children, but to ban books from libraries in general? That seems off to me. Plus, looking at what books were on the list of frequently banned books . . . that was a huge eye opener to me, I cannot believe some of those books (like Hunger Games!) were listed.

  72. No, I don't, I think people should be free to make their own decisions.

  73. No. People should be able to read what they want to!

  74. No, I don't think it's okay to censor or ban a book.
    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

    (Caroline F. in Rafflecopter)

  75. No, but maybe put a sticker on it warning that this is explicit content. Banning books isn't right and shouldn't be done.

  76. I really don't think it's ever ok. If you don't like a book or it makes you feel uncomfortable, don't read it. There are a few books that I've had to give up on and would possibly warn other people that they made me feel really uncomfortable (example - American Psycho) but I don't think that just because you disagree with something nobody else should ever be able to read it.

    I also think it's important for parents to educate their children to know what they are and aren't comfortable with reading and to be open enough to talk to their kids about issues raised in books rather than just trying to stop them from accessing them.

  77. No! I think it should be up to the individual whether or not they want to read a book based on the content.

  78. I don't think it's a good thing to censor or ban a book! People should be choosing if they want to read a book or not!

  79. No, definitely not! People should be able to judge for themselves. Parents can judge for their own children, not other people's

  80. No. I think that it should be at the discretion of the parents of the readers to decide, not a board that doesn't understand the child's reading lvl or matureness.

  81. No, of course not! I think you should be free to read whatever you want. Of course when you are 11 your parents should help you choose, but that's another thing.

  82. No, it's never ok to censor or ban a book. Why are people so afraid of a little free speech?

  83. I do not think it is ever ok. Parents should monitor what their children read.
    amandarwest atgmaildotcom

  84. I don't believe in the banning of books. I believe that it is a parents job to decide what is right for their child and an adults job to decide what is right for themselves. Obviously common sense should be used in certain situations (an elementary school probably doesn't need to have a copy of 50 Shades of Gray) but it is not okay for a government or a school board to decide what people should be allowed access to.

  85. I think it's okay to supervise some of the reading that children do to ensure they aren't reading things like 50 Shades of Gray, but books should never be banned from everyone.

  86. No, I don't think it's right. Some of the books that are frequently challenged are rediculous (Umm.. Harry Potter? Yes, I realize it has "witchcraft" but it's fantasy, there's no reason I would ever stop my children from reading it!) Reading shouldn't be discouraged at any rate (banning them will only make them want to read them more!)

  87. No, I do not think it is right

  88. I think it's okay to ban certain books in certain situations. For instance, I think it's perfectly appropriate to ban Lady Chatterley's Lover from a YA or kids library. Teens may read it (believe me, they do), and it may be considered a "classic," but it's not appropriate. But again, that's only in very specific circumstances, and I don't think banning a book from an entire COUNTRY (as happens in certain nations) is okay.

  89. No, never! It is up to individuals to decide what they want to/should read. They shouldn't prevent others from reading what they want.

  90. I don't think a book should ever be censored or banned. In the case of parents, I can understand that they want to control what their children read, but that is something that they need to work out on their own and not inflict their issues on the rest of us.

  91. No, I do not condone books being censored or banned. I think it goes against our rights. We should all have the right to choose what we want to read.

  92. No, everyone should have the freedom to read what they want to.

  93. I only think a book should be banned if it's like, REALLY racist or attacking another religion, etc. because I know there may be some extreme views/hate against other cultures, which I think is really sad :( But in general, nope, no banning books! Thanks for the amazing giveaway :)

  94. No, I don't think that books should be banned (Unless its harassment suggested at a certian person, because thats wrong...)

  95. I think parents of young children should be aware of what books their children are reading, but other than that ... No

  96. I think adults and parents can make their own choices for what's right for them and their families without someone else telling them what to or what not to read. So~ no, I don't believe there should be.

  97. No, as long as it's not carrying hate speech to a race, nationality, or religion.

  98. No, I think it is the individuals' choice (or the parents if the child is too young to make that decision), on whether or not they want to read a particular book. It is a free country, right? :)

  99. I do not believe that books should ever be banned or censored. People should have the common knowledge to read up on what a book contains and know if they will be bothered by it. If you are bothered by sex or language and a book contains it, avoid it. Unfortunately people are all smart enough for that and choose to ban or forbid.

  100. No,we all have different tastes and stoping people from reading what they want is simply not fair

  101. I would like to thank you for a brilliant giveaway! I do feel strongly that everyone should be able to publish their work, and have freedom in doing so. I think banning a book is wrong, as readers should be able to read whatever they want that is in print.

  102. Yes, in very narrow and strict cases. Recently a trailor posted on the internet for a fake movie has sparked violence and mayhem in the Muslim world. If a book were to be published with the intent to incite such violence, it could be banned for reasons of public safety.

  103. No. People are different. Books are different. The more books the bigger possibility that people will find what they really like & enjoy. No one can make you read something you don`t like. Don`t like it -> don`t read it -> find something better & move on.

  104. Yes in some cases involving what kids learn and read in school, but i don't agree with alot of books on the 'list'.

  105. No. I believe banning books goes against the First Amendment.

  106. No I think banning is never a good idea. I hope one day it will be a thing of the past.

  107. No. No one should have the right to decide what others read and learn.

  108. It's not always intelligent to ban religious or political books, because that makes it instantly more popular. I don't think it is right to do so except in rare cases (such as child pornography, etc.).

  109. No it is not ok. er choose otherwise they are controlling us.

  110. No I believe that we should have the right/option of choosing the books that we want to read.

  111. No I believe it's never right. We should be able to choose what we read and write. I understand age limits but I never believe in censoring or banning because someone or a certain group of people don't like that. There will never be a book that everyone loves and it will never change. If it's so much of a problem they should sell books just like they sell movies, dvds, and other things by carding people to make sure they are in the right age group. I still don't think that's the way to go but it's better than denying people of their right to read.

  112. I don't think it is right to ban or censor books. It's so unfair for the authors. They did their best to create those books and it would be such a waste if other people would ban it.

  113. I think it should be the reader who would decide whether to read that book orr just leave it to dust in a shelf. I mean what would the author feel if her/his books were being banned and censored just because she/he thinks he/she write or express her/his feelings right?

  114. No, not for adults, as long as books have some sort of warning or info about what the book might contain. Parents should definitely ban some books from their kids until they are mature enough to read them.

  115. No Thats Why We Live In America !

  116. I believe in censoring books for young children.

  117. nope never, however some i'd say are age sensitive - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  118. I don't think that it is appropriate to ban a book, although my feelings are a bit torn. In a completely philosophical way, I feel that everyone should have the right to choose what they read. The only reason my feelings are torn on the subject is the emergence of books on how to create bombs and other weapons of destruction, but even on this issue, I am unsure. Once we begin dictating what may or may not be read, we tread on a very slippery slope.
    Lisa Hackney
    yankssssrule08 at yahoo dot com

  119. I don't think that schools or libraries should ban books. I think that parents should be able to say, no, I don't want my kid to read that, but they can only make that decision for their own child and nobody else. If there is a book that you think is inappropriate, then don't read it! But don't tell others they cannot read it either.

  120. Ok this is a very hard answer to give. Personally I would answer yes their are times when it may be necessary but I also have to stand by my belief as a nation and as such I believe that the final answer is no! It may boil my blood it my be insulting but the loss of a persons freedom to speak their mind regardless of my personal feelings outweighs my personal objection to its content. When a right is lost it is a very rarely restored.

  121. Absolutely not!
    I believe that every person has a right to choose which book is suitable for them.

  122. I think censorship is fine in addressing literature that might be too mature for children. Work should be age appropriate. I don't believe in books being banned unless the work is obviously hate literature.

  123. No, banning/censorship of books is wrong. One exception is in the case of parents. They have the right and responsibility to monitor their children's reading material up to a point.

    If one doesn't like the content of a book/movie/TV show/music, don't read/watch/listen.

  124. No! I may not like the content of every book out there, in fact sometimes I have heard of some books that have disgusted me, but if we ban those books, where do we draw the line? If you do not like a book, you do not have to read it. I am all for parents knowing what children are reading and I am always promoting parents to read books with their teens (I'm a school psych) or before them so they can know what is in them and discuss them or to know if their child/teen is ready for the material presented in the book.

  125. I do not believe in banning books. If a person finds the book offensive or disturbing, then don't read it. But don't tell other people they shouldn't do so.

  126. I think parents should be the ones to censor books for their small children but as children grow, they should be able to make their own decisions.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  127. Parents can sensor their children's reading material, but it is never okay to sensor an adult's books.

  128. Nope, everyone should choose whatever they want to read

  129. I believe that once you start banning books for any reason, you open Pandora's Box. We have freedom of speech and the press in this country, and once someone bans a book (even for a "good" reason), then any book can be banned for any reason. That is a dangerous precedent. There would not be a problem if parents would monitor what their children are reading. And the cool thing is that if you as an adult don't want to read a book, you don't have to!

  130. In general, I would never condone censorship. The situation becomes more complex with things like Nazi/KKK promotional literature. Words are powerful, and if they are twisting the minds of the easily lead, who then go on to commit hate crimes as a result? I'm not saying I know the answers, but if my son had been shot by an extremist who had read something like that, could I still hold up the flag for completely free speech, regardless of how foul the message was?


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!