Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Sunday Post Mailbox & Recap #15

Welcome back! The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
~this meme was inspired in part by - In My Mailbox~
It's a chance to share News. 
A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog. 

I returned to work full-time this week and I am tired. Happily, I have this week off from work as we're closed. I plan to sleep, watch TV, read, and write reviews. I may even get caught up, O_o

I saw the specialist again this week and she was very pleased. Both the chest x-ray and the lung function test showed significant improvement, and after only one treatment! That almost makes up for the complications, the ER visit, and the unplanned absence from work. The next procedure is scheduled for the 28th of this month. I'm already planning my hospital reading for that day, lol. I even created a folder on my kindle so I don't have to go hunting for what I want.

Despite being back at work, it was moderately busy here on the blog. I've joined up with Giselle at Xpresso Reads to host her Dusty Reads meme and posted the link up
 I'll post the link up weekly, on Tuesdays, if you want to join in.

I posted book trailers and excerpts for two new releases, The Last Victim by Karen Robards and The Inn At Rose Harbor by Debbie Macomber. I also had an excerpt from "A Human Element" by Donna Galanti.

I featured a new novel, "The Harbormaster's Daughter" by Heidi Jon Schmidt, inspired by a true story.

I had only one review, "When You Wish Upon A Duke" by Isabella Bradford. If you like romances, then you need to read this one. It was very good.

There was also an info post about micro-libraries, an exciting new development in community libraries.

I didn't do well with my goals for the August Review Copy Clean Up. I finished one review book, "Sweet Talk", by Julie Garwood and started another one, "The Last Victim", by Karen Robards.

Kindle Freebies

I managed to control myself better this week; it helped that I was back at work and had less time on my hands. :D

That's it! All the books I acquired this week. :)

ETA: I forgot one! o_O *SMACKS SELF ON HEAD* Bad Bea! I bought D.B. Reynold's new Vampires In America novella, "Betrayed". I'm waiting to read it; it'll be a hospital read. 

How was your link? Leave a link in your post and I'll come by during the week for a visit.


  1. I'm very glad you are recovering well, Bea! I hope that will continue after the second treatment as well *hugs* Very modest book pile for you, darling :D You did show much restraint! Enjoy all your reads!

  2. It is a modest pile but that's a good thing. :D

    I am feeling much better, thanks, and I'm getting more excited for procedure #2 every day. 9 more days!

  3. Yay - so glad things are looking up. Hope things will continue in that direction, and have a fantastic week off.

  4. That's it? All the books you got? You're still getting a lot of books (I'm teasing you! As you can tell, I have absolutely no room to talk!!). And you can make folders on your Kindle?? Whaaaaat? Prob not on my Touch, huh? Oh well...

    I saw When You Wish Upon a Duke on my Kindle ad and I thought, "why hasn't anyone used that title yet? It's so perfect??" I'm glad to hear the book was good!!

    Well, definitely take it easy this week, get "caught up", and enjoy your better breathing!!!

    1. I have a kindle touch and yes, you can make folders. They call it collections but I prefer the term folders. It's pretty easy but if you get stuck, email me.

      It is a good title, isn't it? Thanks for the well wishes. :)

  5. Thats great that you are doing better. Enjoy you books and your week..

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  6. Awesome haul this week! You always get such lovely books to read.

    Happy Reading,
    My Sunday Edition @ Paulette’s Papers

  7. You had a great week and a busy one, so glad your health is improving and you have such a positive attitude for your next hospital treatment. Enjoy your week off and excited you are hosting dusty reads. Enjoy your new reads and thanks for being a part of The Sunday Post

    1. I am very much enjoying my time off and being a couch potato. Tomorrow I'll run errands but it's nice to have time off.

  8. Glad your Better Bea!! I'll be thinking about you on the 28th sorry you have to go through all this! Awesome Awesome Haul! You always get the best books.

  9. ah the kindle freebies, they getcha every time... the mystic wolves series is really good, I hope you enjoy it! I hope you get plenty of relaxing in this week, Book Savvy Babe

    1. yes, those kindle freebies are dangerous! LOL

  10. Cover for Betrayed looks great. Hope you love it,

    Happy reading and have a great week!
    Brandi’s post

  11. Thanks! I'm hoping to catch up on my review copies this week. At the very least, I am making progress, even if it's not as much as I wanted.

  12. Thanks! The books definitely help! And with my kindle, I can have dozens to choose from but it takes up very little space in my bag.

  13. So glad that you are feeling better...and nothing better than a set of great reads to get you thru the next stay!

    Thanks for stopping by My Added to the Bookshelf Post!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf


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