Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Sunday Post Mailbox & Recap #14

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
~this meme was inspired in part by - In My Mailbox~
It's a chance to share News. 
A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog. 

I'm back in the land of the living! Woo Hoo! I even returned to work for a few hours on Friday and tomorrow I return full-time. Then next week, school closes for two weeks; one week is vacation for teachers and then the second week is out prep week for the new year. If all goes well, I'll have procedure number two during that week. It's not ideal, since I'll have to miss prep time but it does mean that they won't need to cover me in the classroom. I'll know more after I see the doctor on Tuesday. 

Being home was very dangerous for my kindle and my bookshelves. It was an ORGY! Kindle freebies, reviews both requested and unsolicited, library books, and another book won. *shakes head* It was almost too much of a good thing. 

Because there were so many, I am A) not listing them all, and B) only doing a few pictures. This post would be insane otherwise. I'm just listing the ones I'm most excited about.

Oh, and my new floors are in! They look really good and no more carpet! That'll be good for my allergies and my asthma. But, I had to stay at a friend's house while that happened and I was still recuperating. Not sure yet what I'll do as a thank you, but she's not a big reader so it won't be books.

2 reviews:  Wild Card by Moira Rogers  (and not a very good one at that. I may re-write it at some point) and The Book of Lost Fragrances by MJ Rose.

A cover reveal for upcoming PNR and UF books by DB Reynolds and Patricia Briggs.

A promo post to raise awareness and money for rescuing bunnies, still ongoing.

Review Copy Clean Up Challenge: Here's a link to my goals post, with an update on last week's accomplishments; I didn't do as well as I wanted but I still have time. 


I saw "Pies and Prejudice" at another blog's Sunday Post last week and immediately requested it from my library. :) 


 I requested a lot of books at NetGalley, fully expecting to be denied some. Yeah, that backfired; when I count on being rejected they surprise me and say "Here you go!". :D So, this is a sample of what I got, but not all. It's a mix of books for school and books for me, all for the blog.

Some unsolicited review books that I'll probably do:


 This was another goodreads giveaway. I am impressed; I won two books in the past two weeks there and both arrived in under a week. It often takes a month or longer for books to arrive.

Kindle Freebies

So, by no means comprehensive, but a sampling of the week's goodies. I expect next week will be slower, which is good since I have a lot of reading and reviewing to do. :)

How was your week? Leave a link in the comments and I'll come by and visit.


  1. What an awesome book haul! I hope you have time to read them all - love the title Pies and Prejudice!

    1. Isn't that a great title? I haven't started it yet but the cover and blurb are promising.

  2. Pushing the Limits was AMAZING! I loved it :) I also got Renegade Passion :) - Taken and Trapped look pretty good :) I will have to look into those! Good haul this week!

    Tabby @Insightful Minds
    Check out my - Sunday Post! (:

    1. Trapped is the 5th in a series and you NEED to read the previous books first. It's an excellent series, the author doesn't get the attention he should/

  3. Hehehe..i laughed about your book orgy. Awesome haul, glad you are up and around and congrats on the new floors. Thanks for being a part of The Sunday Post

  4. Hahaha, what a pile of books, Bea! I'm the same with Netgalley. When I really want the book, I'm rejected. When I don't expect to be approved they actually give it to me ;))) Glad you're feeling better and life is getting back to normal. Love that you have Trapped and Lady and Her Magic! I wanted to request them too but resisted. Enjoy all!

  5. I cant go on NetGalley anymore too many books, not enough time. :) Great Haaul, I hope you enjoy them. Have a great week.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  6. NetGalley is fun but dangerous! I hadn't been on in ages so I was like a kid in a candy store or toy store. :D Ah well, I can't complain that I have nothing to read, lol.

  7. I just tried for Trapped last night - I wasn't going to b/c, heck, it's Kevin Hearne!! But what do I have to lose!! If I get me some Atticus you'll hear me scream, that's for sure!! Oh, I hope you like Pushing the Limits! I really liked it and I'm not much of a contemp reader - I'm super picky about those.

    I'm glad you're doing good and Take it easy for goodness sakes!!! You're healing!!! :)

    My Sunday Post

  8. I agree about NG! There are times I will request books & get that "We are over our limit" email. Argh. Then I get it all approved and I go "Uh-Oh". Darkest Minds is on NG & they wanna be mean, not NG but Hyperion is mean. I will request away until they take pity on me..or ban me! lolz!

    I agree w/the above poster.Take it easy, soak up the time to read and relax and hopefully get waited on :) Sending some "relax and enjoy" energy your way..

    I jump for JOY when I see those beautiful manila envelopes in the mail! Or the poppy bubble looking ones.

    Have a gr8 week, relax, and enjoy your new books.
    Thanx for the drive by :)

    The Week in Bookish News

  9. Holy WOW!! What a huge haul this week Bea. Glad you are back to feeling better, and your haul as return to above normal levels! Enjoy all of your books.

  10. Wow that is a lot of books! And that happens to me too with Netgalley.. I am on a ban now until I get caught up!!

    Thanks for stopping by My Added to the Bookshelf Post!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  11. So many books! NG does have a knack of surprising us doesn't it? I requested a whole bunch before and got approved for most and had to work extra hard to complete them all - but it's all great fun :-)

    Happy Reading :-)
    Shaheen @ Speculating on SpecFic
    Come and check out my new weekly book haul feature, Stocktake Saturday.

  12. Kindle orgy haha, they happen often here. Who can resist lol. You have some great books there. Read pushing the limits ASAP, it's. Amazing!,, hope u. Get better soon from your procedure :) xx happy reading xx


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!