Monday, August 6, 2012

Review of Wild Card by Moira Rogers

Publisher: Amazon Digital Services (re-release)
Series: Down and Dirty #1
Release date: June 3, 2012
Buying Links: Amazon     Barnes & Noble    ARe

Book Blurb (from goodreads):

 As Alpha of the Lonely River Pack, Jack Owens is responsible for keeping the peace between what's left of the human population and the wolves who have taken over since the War. All wolves are his responsibility, even the ones like Virginia Howard who don't necessarily recognize his authority. Ginny's been a thorn in Jack's side since she took over her parent's operation and established herself as one of the area's premiere ranchers. The fact that she's everything he wants in a mate makes it hard to stay away from her, but any good hunter knows how to bide his time.

Ginny fights hard to maintain her independence from men, human and werewolf alike. The humans may not like having a woman as their chief competition, but they're not the ones determined to see her submit. When a group of angry wolves try to run her out of business, she's forced to accept Jack's assistance. But in saving her ranch, Ginny runs the risk of losing something far greater--her heart.

Reviewed By: Bea

Bea's Thoughts:

I do enjoy the writing of the Moira Rogers; it's pretty much guaranteed by now that I'll like whatever they write. This series was released a few years ago, in 2008, but recently they regained the rights and re-released it. It's currently free at the above buying links.

Though "Wild Card" is short, Rogers manages to work in character development, story development and lay the groundwork for more stories. I didn't entirely buy into the motivation of the wolves attacking Ginny and in fact I thought it seriously undermined Jack's position as Alpha. But the Rogers team are too good to miss that, they do address his position and he's mistakes he's made. It's a quick, fun read; not their best but definitely worth a read.

I own this ebook.

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