Saturday, August 25, 2012

Review of A Sliver of Shadow by Allison Pang

Publisher: Pocket Books
Series: Abby Sinclair #2
Release Date: February 28, 2012
Format Read: Paperback
Buying Links:  Amazon    The Book Depository    Barnes & Noble

*May contain spoilers*

Book Blurb (from goodreads):

Just when her new life as a TouchStone — a mortal bound to help OtherFolk cross between Faery and human worlds — seems to be settling down, Abby Sinclair is left in charge when the Protectorate, Moira, leaves for the Faery Court. And when the Protectorate’s away…let’s just say things spiral out of control when a spell on Abby backfires and the Faery Queen declares the Doors between their worlds officially closed.

The results are disastrous for both sides: OtherFolk trapped in the mortal world are beginning to fade, while Faerie is on the brink of war with the daemons of Hell. Along with her brooding elven prince Talivar and sexy incubus Brystion, Abby ventures to the CrossRoads in an attempt to override the Queen’s magic. But nothing in this beautiful, dangerous realm will compare to the discoveries she’s making about her past, her destiny, and what she will sacrifice for those she loves.

Reviewed By: Bea

*May contain spoilers*

Bea's Thoughts:

I loved this book! It was so good and I liked it better than the first book. This one had everything: intriguing plotting, deep characterization, mysteries, lots of action, world building, humor, romance, sex, political intrigue.

Abby has grown since the last book: developed more confidence though she's still not very confident, has more maturity, and a new-found respect for her position as KeyStone. She's learning more about the Faery from Moira and learning how to use her Dreaming powers from Sonja. Not everything is going well for her; she and Brystion are still on the outs and her friendship with Charlie is strained. She also still finds herself being used as a pawn by members of the Faery, something that Brystion objects to when he does make an appearance. Still, Abby doesn't hesitate to step in and help and shows herself loyal to her friends and willing to do what she thinks is right, no matter the cost to herself.  The ending had me going "EEEK!" and is a bit of a cliff hanger. Happily, the next book is out at the end of October, so not too long to wait.

One thing I was less than thrilled to see was the introduction of a love triangle. Brystion and Abby still have feelings for each other, even though they aren't seeing each other. Then Abby and Talivar, who was introduced at the end of A Brush of Darkness, get involved. Brystion can't resist staking his claim and he and Talivar get competitive. I like Talivar; he's quiet, fierce, loyal, insecure about his looks, kind, tender, vulnerable, and moral. Pang handled it fairly well, there's not too much angst, but I hope there will be a resolution in the next book. Love triangle tropes are among my least favorite tropes and often a sure way to turn me off.

While the story moves along at a fast pace, Pang doesn't skip on characterization, plot or world building. The Queen of Faery is bug nuts but there's a reason and Abby sets out to help her which will in turn help all of the Faery, including Moira and Talivar. Maurice is back in this book and he's as twisted and nasty as he was in book one. I loved learning more about the OtherFolk, their relationships with each other and the pecking order. There are many twists and turns and even Phineas, the wisecracking, horny mini unicorn, is not what he seems.

If you enjoy urban fantasy, the fae, werewolves, demons and angels (yes, Pang makes all these different elements work together.) then you need to read this book, but read book one first. It's a must.

I received a paperback from the publisher for review.


  1. GLad that you enjoyed so much. It does sound like perfect storm of elements.
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  2. How did i miss this series? Eep it has all the elements I love in an urban fantasy! Thanks Bea :)

  3. It's a really good series and I'm looking forward to more. I can't wait to see what happens with Abby next!

  4. I read a few chapters in the first one, but out it down. I'll pick it up again and see what happens.


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