Friday, August 17, 2012

Excerpt & Trailer for The Last Victim by Karen Robards

I'm a Robards fan, have been for about 15 years. I first discovered her at my library when I had pneumonia and needed reading material. I've been reading her ever since. She has a new book out now that's a twist on her previous books. Her previous books have been romances, some of them romantic suspense. Her new book, "The Last Victim" is a romantic suspense with a paranormal twist to it. It came out on August 7th and I'll be reviewing it later this month. In the meantime, check out this book trailer and excerpt, see if it's of interest to you.


The Last Victim by Karen Robards (Preview)


  1. Hey Bea this sounds awesome! I will check her out. Do her books need to be read in any kind of order?

    1. Hi Danieel, nope, you can read in any order; the majority are stand alones. There are a couple of books that have recurring characters but even those you could read out of order.

    2. And I mangled typing your name, sorry. :(


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