Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Blog Tour Review of Shadow of Deceit by Mal Olson

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Release Date: February 17, 2012
Buying Links:  Amazon    Barnes & Noble

Book Blurb (from goodreads):

Can an FBI agent obsessed with redemption and a grieving widow desperate to clear her husband's name learn to believe in love again?

Shannon Riedel faces down danger when a gunman breaks into her office claiming her dead husband swindled him. When FBI agent Tony Crazaniak arrives to investigate, sexual heat sizzles. The ex-Delta Force operative's massive presence and dark eyes trigger an attraction the young widow finds unnerving.

 When Crazaniak convinces Shannon she needs his protection, they partner to unearth secrets her husband left behind--secrets involving a Tanzanian mine that yields perfect blue diamonds coveted by dealers around the world--secrets connected to a terrorist leader Crazaniak has vowed to take down.

With danger surrounding them, two emotionally wounded souls bond, but can they put their demons to rest and trust in love? Can they survive long enough to find out?

But when he looked into her eyes, he saw sincerity and compassion. Loyalty. She's innocent. She couldn't see that her boss might be using her to get his hands on the diamond mine. And if she trusted a player like de Rios, how in the hell was Tony going to convince her that her own husband had been playing dirty?
Not that Tony had any damning evidence against Tyler or de Rios. He was going on pure Crazaniak instinct. Gut instinct.
Reviewed By: Bea

Bea's Thoughts:

I enjoy romantic suspense and I liked the blurb for this one so I decided to give it a try. It got off to a fast start, with a masked gunman invading her office. The pace stays fast for a while then slows down, then picks up again. Olson deftly changes the pace, slowing things down for the romantic scenes and then picking up again when she switches back to the mystery.

I could feel Shannon's pain concerning her husband's death and her reluctance to move on afterward.  I did think the relationship between her and Tony moved a bit fast and he was awfully quick to give in to lust and forget about his responsibilities and duties, though the actual sex doesn't occur until latish in the story.

The story itself was a mix of twists and turns and predictability but it moved quickly, was a fast read, has enjoyable characters, and was enjoyable to read. I really liked that Shannon was so devoted to her cat and the cat even played a part in the story towards the end. Touches like that add believability to a story, and hey, I'm a crazy cat lady! lol

Overall, not a perfect story but an enjoyable one.

I received a PDF from Sizzling PR for review.


  1. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing Shadow of Deceit. It's great being a guest on your blog. (Mal)

  2. this sounds like a good book for a rainy afternoon, easy, predictable but enjoyable. Great review Bea :) I like romantic suspense too.

  3. Hi kimbacaffeinate--so nice to hear from you. I'll enter your name in the drawing I'm haveing at the end of my book tour (the prize is a $20.00 amazon gift card) Hope you have a fun read if you decide to try Shadow of Deceit. :)


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