Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Sunday Post Mailbox & Recap #11

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
~this meme was inspired in part by - In My Mailbox~
It's a chance to share News. 
A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog. 

SQUEEEEE!!!! Tuesday is my surgery, so depending on how the week goes, there may or may not be a Sunday Post next week. Only two more days, I can hardly believe it. God, I hope it helps. Breathing is so damn useful.

Anyway, It was a quiet week on the blog. I had several blog tours, several reviews, and one other post. 

Reviews: One Breath Away by Heather Gudenkauf, with a small excerpt
The Line Between Here and Gone by Andrea Kane, with a small excerpt

Giveaway: 10 print ARCS of The Inn At Rose Harbor by Debbie Macomber (still going on)

Promo spot: Shamrocked by JoAnne Kenrick

and the best part of the week - BOOKS!

Kindle Freebies

As you can see, it was excellent week for books. This week, I'm anticipating receiving my copy of Thirteen by Kelley Armstrong. I want it and I don't want it. I love anything by Kelley but I don't want the Women of the Otherworld series to end. :(

Leave me a link to your post in the comments and I'll try to visit, but a lot will depend on how I feel after my surgery.


  1. Woohoo, plenty of nice freebies, Bea! I hope you enjoy them all and good luck with your surgery, sweetheart!

  2. I love Freebies:) Hope you love and enjoy them all!

    Thanks for stopping by My Added to the Bookshelf Post!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  3. I feel the same way about 13 too! You got some great reads this week, enjoy! I hope your surgery goes well and you get back in action quickly :) Thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post- Book Savvy Babe

    1. Thanks!

      I expect I'll be sobbing as I read Thirteen. Silly, but they are old friends and I'll miss them.

  4. Freebies are great aren't they?.?. Great haul this week. Enjoy.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  5. Good luck this week..i will be thinking of you and hoping for a super speedy recovery! Wow awesome least if you are down you will have plenty to read :) Thanks for being a part of The Sunday Post

    1. Thanks Kimba. Yes, if I'm out of work for longer than expected I'll have plenty to read. I also bought more books today, but they were on sale - 11 books for $11.90. :)

  6. Awww Bea!! Good Luck with surgery! Hope you have a speedy recovery and lots of books to real while you rest up! If you need ANYTHING tweet me! I will run to wherever you live and bring you things! :D Great Haul.

  7. Awesome haul this week! I have already added it to my TBR list.
    Thanks for sharing,


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