Monday, July 30, 2012

T Minus 14.5 Hours And Counting

So far, so good. The surgery is still on track for tomorrow morning. I leave for the hospital in less than 12 hours, have pre-op baseline testing in 13 hours and the surgery is scheduled in 14.5 hours at 10AM EST. I'm tired, excited, nervous and desperately trying to finish my to-do list tonight. I'm going to try for an early tonight, and get to bed at a reasonable hour. However, I'm a night owl; so that combined with a mild case of nerves and a major case of excitement, means the odds are against me.

If all goes well, I'll be home tomorrow evening. I have Wednesday off from work to rest and recuperate. Supposedly, most people go back to work the next day but I wasn't about to chance it. It's better for myself and my employer to take the day off. If all goes well, I'll be back at work on Thursday. I'm actually hoping I'll feel well enough on Wednesday to catch up on writing reviews. I'm about three books behind; I've read them, I just need to get my reviews written.

Next week, I'm getting the carpet in my condo pulled up and a nice laminate flooring put in. That will help with both my allergies and my asthma, plus it will help with my cat's asthma, so I'm looking forward to that. Of course, the prep for that is a big part of my ongoing to-do list. Obviously the cat and I can't be 
around when the flooring is being done so we'll stay at a friend's house until it's complete.

So there you go, more than you ever wanted to know about my non-blogging life. :P

ETA: more info about the surgery, what's happening, etc.


  1. I don't know what kind of surgery you had, but I hope it went well and you'll be completely recovered soon.

  2. Thanks Dale. I had written some prior posts about it so I was lazy and just assumed readers would know. I'll add in some links. I had experimental surgery on my lungs for my severe asthma. I'm home now and resting.

  3. I have gotten rid of the carpet in all but one room and the stairs. My husband refuses to get rid of that much. I'm with you - carpets are bad for allergies and asthma.


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